
I am in a real dead end in life and I need help, please!?

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I don't have very good Maths and English, yet I have been teaching self defence and Judo to kids across my local area with a private company for some time now. I also have experience as a nursery nurse.

People tell me that my ability to teach and entertain children is at a high standard. That is for them to decide, however I am aware of what children generally want when they learn or are taken care of. So I try my best to do right by their needs and the needs of the parents.

Now I have plenty of experience and I am fully confident with public speaking, teaching individuals, teaching groups, doing demonstrations etc....

However I do not have the right qualifications to go anywhere with my life and I cannot afford further education.

I love my job at the moment, teaching Judo to young kids and making sure they learn in a fun environment, but I just can't afford to keep doing it if I ever want to move out on my ow and go places with my life.

It's not fair, no matter how hard I try I just don't get the qualifications I need to be appreciated. My boyfriend has helped me write this as I cannot write very well either.

Is there anyone out there who could give me some really good advise? Even if I have heard it before, it's nice to talk, and reach out to others.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, I just don't know where my future can go without money or the right grades, even though I am well established within the field.

This is her boyfriend now writing. My lady in life has done lot's in her time so far. She has earned a Black Belt and had her dreams of representing England shattered due to injury, yet has got back up and fought on. She is truly an inspiration to me and to many, though has no faith in these facts.

I love her more than enough to write to anyone out there who may be able to offer some real structured advice, or even just to tell their stories too. Whatever happens, I won't stop until she is doing what she was born to do, nothing less will be settled for and that is what we all should really hope to do I think. Easier said than done, but more than possible.

my e-mail is if anyone wanted to personally contact me, or just on here is fine :)




  1. I don't know about your place , but in india some of the dynamic ladies like you have had no difficulties in starting a creche for very young children. This does not need any educational qualifications and your experience will be well utilised. For very young children , you nuring experience will also be very attractive to the parents.

    This will not require much finance either.

    If this is not feasable to start with, then start a very small juice, coffee and tea place. Even a homely lunch or dinner place for working ladies will be helpful. Start with this and later you may switch to the creche idea. You may cintinue with you judo classes in the evening.

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