
I am in an adventist school right now and all they serve is vegetrian food.?

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Can I still gain weight and what are some pointers on that? I am 5 feet and I weight about 90 lbs and I have been trying to gain weight for the longest time. Oh yeah, I am 18 years old and I was born with HIV...




  1. Keep a balanced diet as much as possible. I would consult your family doctor or perhaps a registered dietitian that is knowledgeable about vegan and vegetarian lifestyles. If you don't have a family doctor, try talking to your school nurse or consulting with the local clinic for advise. Here are links to both the vegetarian and vegan food pyramids to help as a guide in the mean time:

  2. You can def gain weight on a vegetarian diet. Just up your carb intake. I wouldnt recommend eating a whole bunch of junk food, its really bad for you.

    Just eat a lot of carbs and you should gain some weight.

  3. i am adventist,

    that's good to serve vegetarian

    you mean you'll loose weight

    if you read the story in the bible about Daniel what did he eat and what did the others eat? and how do they look and how the others look? then you see a different in what food you eat. you'll become strong by eating your beans vegetables fruit grain.

    and remember that with God everything is possible he can heal in the power of the name of Jesus.

  4. Poor dear. I was abit too skinny while trying to get pregnant (then I got even skinnier as I was sooooo sick) and was trying to gain weight for my health. I managed to put on a few kilos weight (as a near vegan) by increasing my carb intake just being a bit less strict on myself. Using lotsa 'good oils' in cooking eg olive oil. Snacking on what I felt like. Especially I had more hot potato chips (fries). I think that even if you are skinny though the most important thing for your health is getting the right balance of nutrients. The veggo diet will be great for your liver. Since having the hyperemesis which has made me so sick in pregnancy my mum has suggested drinks like sustagen to help gain weight. I like milo too. All those things that are naughty for most people. But they have added vitamins and nutrients which is so important for us. She had success getting my baby bro to gain weight on sustagen drinks (available at pharmacies at least in Australia - choc, vanilla, strawberry) Hope it all works out!

  5. Eat more calories than you burn off, and you'll probably gain weight.  Try to snack on nuts, which are high in fat, but a healthy fat.  If you like avocados or guacamole, that's a good source of healthy fat.

    Because of your illness, you may have trouble gaining weight.  Try talking to the school dietitian (if there is one) about gaining weight healthily.

  6. Eat starchy food like potatoes, bread, pasta. Some people seem to gain weight easier than others, though. Make sure you stay active. You definitely don't want to become overweight if you start packing on more food.

    Have you seen a doctor or dietitan about it? Just to be sure you don't have a thyroid problem or anything like that. Something like Ensure might be a good idea, but I'm not totally sure. The ideal thing would be to see a doctor and get a referral to a dietitian.  

  7. You should try to gain at least 10 lb. Maybe you can wander out from time to time and get a pizza or a hamburger or something else really nourishing.

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