
I am in an environmental issues class and need help with a debate I am giving a speech in.?

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I need to give my speech on what the impacts on nature and biodiversity are, from a pro oil drilling side. Can you please help?




  1. Compare the environmental impact of drilling for oil to ethonol production.

    To grow corn for ethanol you must clear a field that is now wild (and hence, full of wildlife) or use a field that is now growing food.  You plow it, fertilize it and spray it with herbacides and insecticides.

  2. Well I don't condone oil drilling but then again.

    Well most of the ecological fallout is going to be bad;

    But with the money that an oil rig will produce you could fund a wild life preserve. You could also fund reaserch in areas that don't include drilling for oil (Examples: Fuel Cells, New Kinds of feuls, and solar power.). Elaborate on those topics and you should have a pretty good case.

  3. Even without the oil drilling, biodiversity is already losing at an alarming rate. This should be your main point.

    But if the project (oil drilling) is done in an environmentally conscious way, it can help preserve biodiversity by funding a biological exploration and inventory of the site to be drilled, and then doing the following:

    - Indigenous plants can be preserved by being propagated in local nurseries. These can also be sold for income, be used to rehabilitate other degraded areas, and be used during the project phaseout stage.

    -A nature park can be allocated for indigenous wildlife.

    -The oil company can help train the community to document their own culture so that the next generation will not forget.  

    Without funds from the oil drilling, there is still a big chance for biodiversity to be lost due to population pressure. With the funds from the oil drilling, there is a fighting chance to reclaim it.

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