
I am in deep trouble i really need help right now, there is a pic!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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My mom bought a really nice glass bowl that is like 3 feet long and it cost about 390 dollars. It looks kinda like this except it is alot larger. Anyway i had a rubber ball and i threw it and it landed behind the cupboard that the vase was on. I then tried moving the cupboard and the glass bowl fell and broke into 2 peices. My parents wont be home until July 5 so i need someone to tell me how to put 2 glass peices together looking like nothing ever happened. My best friend told me to use wood binding glue but it doesnt sound logical. Please help me!




  1. gurl the same thing happened to me just take some super glue make sure its clear because the bowl is clear and put it back to gether it wont look like it even got broke my mom pick hers up every day and never notice it lol hope i helped

  2. hot glue gun?

    i mean...


    find glue that is clear

    or that drys clear!

    or put it togather

    and if theye notice pretend like

    u dont have a clue

  3. Go to a home renovation store. They sell ceramic and glass repair glue. Buy lots of it.

    I once busted the bathtub soap holder embedded into the tiled wall of the apartment I was leasing. Was worried that it would cost a fortune. I bought this glue. No one could ever tell the soap holder was broken. Held nicely.

    I can't remember the brand since this happened a long time ago.

  4. Put the 2 pieces together add super glue ( clear kind) to one side of bowl's crack, then on the other side use a vacuum to suck the glue threw the crack.You might need a special attachment for the vacuum to get enough suction.

    Good Luck Froggy

  5. use a hot glue gun or superglue. wood binding glue wouldnt make it stick together

    good luck ♥

  6. i think should use super glue. if they have the clear one. it won't show at all.

    i think u should calm down. relax.


  7. try super glue

    good luck

    don't drip it on your fingers

  8. Go watch the Brady Bunch! Mom, always says " Don't play ball in the house!" HAHAHAHAHA. You're gonna get a spankin! :O

  9. Ummmm. YOU'RE GROUNDED!!!!!

  10. Today is already the day before July 4th.  If you don't know someone who will loan you the money -- QUICK -- to buy a new "bowl/vase" and have the place where your mom bought the one you broke available, I'm afraid you have no "out"!

    All for playing with a rubber ball. Tsk. tsk.

  11. dont do a thing , if you put the wrong glue the situation gest worse and you will be asking here i put this glue how can i remove it ...

    just wit till they come back and say what happened. its an accident.

  12. Use crazy glue.  If you can still see the crack, just break it again and tell the truth.

  13. Beg for forgivness - it's the only way - sounds like you will have some quality time with the stuff in your room when she get's back.  I promise you, SHE WILL NOTICE IT, maybe not on the 5th but she will notice it.

  14. Sorry.

    The best repair you can make will be with

    'superglue', (cyano-acrylic), but it will show

    in the clear crystal.

    'Mom will holler, but she probably won't kill you.

    (I let my kids live who'd done worse.)

  15. you cant really hide something like that

    if you could get a new one that would be the best

    either that or just tell them..they'd respect you more. and tell em youll pay for it.

  16. If the glass is a clean break you might be able to fix it without them knowing but I have yet to get that good at glass repairs. If you are unable to acquire the material in the link you could try super glass and then clean it with rubbing alcohol. Good luck either way!

  17. Try finding an exact replica that is cheep and buying that

    They will never know it broke

    (: (: (:

  18. Just tell them the truth and try to earn money to buy them a new one.  The truth is ALWAYS better than a lie, trust me.  You will gain their trust and respect by taking responsibility for your actions.  

    Either that or tell them the cat did it!  LOL...I'm kidding!

  19. Super glue, lol maybe they wont notice, buuuut the best thing to do is maybe super glue it then tell her, Im a firm beliver in telling the truth because she will find out and be hurt you didnt tell her and mad you broke it,

  20. Just tell the truth.  If you try hiding this, your parents will wonder what else you're hiding.  Accidents happen all the time.  Are you going to cover-up every accident you have?

    Tell the truth.

  21. Your friend is an idiot!  Don't be friends with him anymore.  No matter what you do, your parents are going to notice eventually.  Just tell them you did it and it was an accident.

  22. ouch, umm try this.    If not just tell them the truth, thats always best.

  23. Other than buying a new one it will have visible crack line, not to mention the little tiny pieces that splittered when it broke.

    You can use crazy glue to glue it together but your mom will soon find out.

  24. Try using super hard glue,, some are clear so it might give the illusion it isn't broken

  25. The 2 part type of epoxy and fill the bowl with denial.......

  26. use....... um........ hmmmmmm...... glues that dries clear..... you can get it at a lot of places..... hope it works for ya hun...... =D

  27. That bowl appears to be a Mikassa. Very expensive. You need to tell your parents what happened. They'll be mad in the beginning but if you lie and try to cover it up (which will not fool them) they'll be even more upset for a lot longer.

    It's scary but do the right thing and confess. This type of glassware is not able to be glued and not noticed.

  28. I would try gluing it together, but just face it, even though it was a lot of money and you broke it...its not like your gonna die!! (that would be the bright side of things) so either glue it together, or just confess. I broke a flower pot that my mom was obsessed about, and I know its not a lot of money and stuff, but it was nice and she didn't yell at me about it.

  29. I think that you should leave the glass bowl alone. You'll only cut yourself up trying to glue the thing back together. The best thing to do in this situation is just to come clean and tell your mom that you broke it as soon as she gets home. Sure, she will have lost a nice bowl, but she'll gain an appreciation for their honest son/daughter.

  30. not wood glue, glass wont glue w/ wood glue

    use superglue

  31. Dude don't you know that's why mom's always say "no bouncing the ball in the house" Do you think we say it to be mean. Your going to just have to fess up to what you did and take it like a man.

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