
I am in eith grade. Almost everyone in my school is already having s*x. Should I be worried?

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When alot of my friends in school go to parties alot of them have s*x, even the really smart gifted kids, kids who get the honor roll, straight A students!!!!! I just want to know should I try to get involved and try to stop them or should I just let them do thier thing and leave them alone.




  1. Leave them can't make a horse drink

  2. You need to be a leader not a follower. Just because other kids do it doesn't make it right. You should know in your heart if you are doing the right thing.

  3. Wow, people are retarded (not you, lol). You might as well leave them alone. If people want to be s***s, then let them. They'll be the ones with the STDs.

  4. Don't let them influence you. Don't do it until you're ready.

  5. Are they, or are they just saying they are.

    Try asking about who has STDs!

    Worry not, the straight As are too busy doing homework to be out getting laid all the time.

  6. Leave them alone and follow your own star, listen to your own drummer.  If what they're telling you is really happening (and you should certainly take it with much skepticism), it's going to come back to bite them one way or another.  When you hear about their eventual comeuppance, you can breathe a sigh of relief that you weren't part of it.

  7. They have s*x...or they SAY they have s*x? There are an awful lot of kids in the second group but not the first.

    I would just say "it's your life" to them and walk away. The last thing you want to do is reinforce their belief that having s*x at a young age is cool and mature - because it isn't, it shows a deeply childish lack of forethought.

  8. I'd bet that almost everyone in your school is lying. Be a good kid, and enjoy your youth. There will be many years of s*x to come along.

  9. Don't do it!! Stay out of it. Make smart choices for yourself!! Once you go down that road there is no going back not to mention the risks involved....pregnancy, STD's, bad reputation!!

  10. dont do it your parents will kick u out

  11. you will soon see how success in school does not necessarily lead to success in life. I've seen sooo many straight A students, who ended up w/babies at the age of 15-16.

    you do what feels right, don't be pressured. that  means you're stronger, wiser and have a better future than them..

  12. Well do u want to? Decide, if u do out of ur own will then u can, but dont let peer pressure guide u.

  13. s*x can wait, m********e!

  14. You can't stop someone if it's sokething they want to do.  Just be honest with your close firends to be careful and its something you cant take back once its done.  And its not something they should do so easily.

    In the end follow your heart and dow hat you feel you are ready for!

  15. You shouldn't worry about what they are doing. Just remember sometimes people lie about actually having s*x. Either way, they are not your concern. Just make sure that you do't make their same mistakes. You don't need to start filling your regret basket just yet. Be a leader not a follower. Good luck.

  16. kids are going to have s*x no matter what you or anyone else says.

    the town I grew up in was the same way... you should only be worried if you feel pressured to do it. Let them do their thing and stay strong in what you believe in.

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