
I am in homeschooling now, how will I be able to make more friends?

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I just started homeschooling two weeks ago, I don't want to go back to public school, because the public school here is really dumb, and the teachers are idiots! I am in 7th grade. My mom won't let me go very many places because I am 'too young'. I am aloud to go to Fast Trip, The Park, The Pool (wich is only open from June to August), and my few friends that live near my house. But before you people go saying go to the park, the only people that really go to this park is the really little kids; most of the time. And it is no use talking my mom into letting me go any where else, she is EXTREMELY over protective about me. The only reason why she let me go those places is because they are really, really close to our house. But not very many people around my age go to the park, almost everyone is at the pool, but like I said, thats only open in June-August. So I need some advice! HELP PEOPLES!!!






  1. join a home schooling group or sports

  2. join a homeschool group, it is vital for you to get to know other homeschool families in the area. Most have tons of things for students of all ages to do.

    Another thing is to volunteer your time somewhere.

  3. I would suggest dance class, art class, POP-WARNER, or social networks such as myspace. First of all there's a pop-warner piwi football team EVERYWHERE you go and along with that football team is... cheerleading, a great way to make friends! Dance classes are always fun, (I've been dancing for 9 years!), and your mom doesn't EVER have to know about a myspace/facebook, ect! I'm also going to include some links because if your like me (I'm in 7th grade too), You like links included in your answers!


    My Myspace:

  4. Hey Rachel!

    I used to worry a lot about that too, when I was in 7th grade - and to be honest, it was a lot worse because we are mega religious and therefore not allowed to really make friends with other people. I used to despair and think I would be an old maid before I was even old enough to marry! (lol, I was rather paranoid)

    But things turned up, and they will if you go looking for them, I found out that my mother's friend ran a sort of youth group, and obviously mom allowed me to go because her friend ran the place  - I started work at a shop on saturdays and made loads of friends there - I started to help another one of my mother's friends when she taught children how to become lifeguards, and that is how I met some of my best friends.

    I wasn't like the others in my family, who have no friends really to speak of - I didn't want to be left behind, to be something on the shelf so I did my best to find some friends.

    You should try the same - see if anyone you know runs and organization - gym/swimming/tennis/badminton club or something and try and use that to talk your mom into letting you go.

    Above all, try and get her to meet up with other homeschoolers so you will get to know them. I have to agree with you though, the Park is awful for making friends (been there, done that lol)

    As a last resource, you always have the internet, and you can make loads of friends over there.

    Sorry if I rambled a bit - I tend to that since there is usually no-one to stop me <grin>

    Have fun, and remember if you want something - good friends - hard enough, fight for it.


  5. Try joining clubs, sports..take some extra classes in something you're interested in...join a homeschool co-op...

  6. Sports; classes through community colleges/rec. centres or other designed specifically for your age range; group lessons; join a homeschooling group and learn about activities going on...

    What do you mean exactly by your mom won't let you go places--do you mean she won't let you go ALONE or by yourself? I don't blame her for not allowing a gr. 7 child to go out by herself to "make friends". Not good. You need to find out about activities going on where you live.

  7. You should join in a homeschool group, I am. You get to go on field trips, sports day... ect. Your bound to make some friends.

  8. Search yahoo groups and see if there is a local homeschooling group you can join. Try sports like soccer, softball, basketball, volleyball and such at the local YMCA. You can join a bookclub if you like to read. A church youthgroup is also a great place to meet other friends and go on supervised trips together. There is 4-H at your local county extension's office. Girl scouts, volunteer at your local library,  If you look there are plenty of places to meet new friends. Try to find the things you like, and you will meet like-minded people!

  9. do some sports.. ask you mom to sign you up somewhere :)

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