
I am in love with my booty call............?

by  |  earlier

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I was in a physical relationship with this guy for 3 months on and off. I got fed up with it since I always wanted more so we stopped talking for a year.

I tried moving on with my life but it was hard since I found myself still thinking about him. Eventually got over him and I started dating here and there but I never found anyone who I click with.

For some reason, I started to think about him again. I started to miss about the times that we had. So I decided to call him to see how he is doing. Surprisingly, he was happy to hear from me and we decided to meet up.

We went to a pub to play pool and catching up on each other. Then at the end of the night we headed to his house to have s*x.

I don't know what to do now because all those old feelings came back. I find myself thinking about him all the time and I fantasize being married to him and live happily ever after. I am scared to tell him how I feel because I don't want to freak him out We haven't spoke for 5 days and I want to call him so badly but I don't want to come off as desperate. He is the love of my life

So how can I win him over?




  1. Stop being his booty call, that's how. He's using you! But, if you really like him I suppose telling him is the best choice. If it bothers him then he's a loser and you can do better. But more than likely he'll be happy about it and he might even admit to being into you too.

  2. Do not go there yet, ignore him and dont always be available...when he calls let it go to voice mail like 2 times then answer when asked what have you been up to or where have you been say, oh, i have just been busy, how about you?  Act as indifferent as you can and watch his love for you GROW....I mean it....he doesnt want anything clingy.....dont let him know it bothers you that you guys dont talk everyday or everyotherday....just go on and cry in your pillow and beat your mattress up and then when he is around count your blessings and act like nothing at all....

  3. I think you should not worry so much about "winning him over". People can't really be won..

    Just enjoy it for what it is... maybe one day when you are hanging out just mention one of your lighter fantasies... and see how he reacts...

    Or you could always ask him straight up, I know its hard to do... but ask him if he could ever see you being together again... who knows maybe he is feelign the same way you are...

    you won't know until you ask...

    and ignore mean answers above... they are just scared of the words "booty call"

  4. Has he flat out told you he's not interested in a long-term relationship? If he has, you will HAVE to find a way to move on. If he hasn't... go for it!

  5. LOL...stop having s*x with him. YOu are only a booty call...friends with benefits, nothing more. There is nothing to "win" here, because he made his mind up long ago that he doesn't want a committed relationship with you.

  6. can i hear a.... w***e???

  7. It may be too late who knows, guys really like the chase! Try not to give in right away and have s*x, make them wait it'll turn him on and have something to look forward too. Obviously he still has feelings so maybe try writing a letter to him and read it to him face to face or just send it. Make sure to be honest and tell him how you really feel and that you want to make it work, maybe call and ask if he wants to go out for dinner or coffee but make sure you dont make out or have s*x keep it casual but still show interest . Good luck

  8. s**t s**t s**t s**t s**t s**t s**t s**t s**t s**t s**t s**t

  9. You can't. It is clear to everyone but you he is in it for the s*x. You need to just enjoy the s*x or find someone who is more serious about commitment.

    You already knew that. In your text you say "headed to his house to have s*x", not to "make love"

    Oh, and wear protection. Unless you think you are the only one he plays pool with.

  10. How can you even think that a person that only has s*x with you is the love of your life?  When you have a booty call relationship there are rules and yes if you tell him you want more it may freak him out because if he saw you as being in a relationship would know by now.  You do not know how to handle such relationships and need to cut ties with him in this aspect.

  11. yea wow....

  12. First...he is a booty call. He is that because he does not want anything serious and when he does I am sure he will either tell your start to act like its more to him than booty. But let me explain where you messed up. After a year of not speaking to him you went out to a bar and then went back to his place "to have s*x" showing him that you are okay with simply having s*x without a commitment. If you were not okay with it the n you would have went out with him and ended the date with a simple hug or a kiss and left it at that. Now he thinks its the good old days where he can just get in it and leave it alone. Actions speak louder than words. I am not trying to be rude. But if that's not what you want to be then do not allow yourself to be seen that way. Trust me I have grown up with 9 brothers and I have heard more about booty calls then I care to know.

    If you want this guy tell him what you feel. If he is not ready to commit then leave it alone and move on. If this was the guy for you then he would not see you only as a booty call.  

  13. It's kind of hard to take a person serious that calls people her booty call.  

  14. Do you have any family occasion coming up ? Call him as an excuse and Invite him over (if possible), see how he behave of course considering your family's opinion of him too. He may have missed you but could be cautious. Now all this because of the  fantasy. You know - checking him, checking yourself as well Sure about your feelings too.

    Then prepare yourself for the worst as well.  

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