
I am in marching band, and my sixteenth birthday is on an away football game, what should I do?

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  1. dude lose the marching band because it's g*y and just have a h**l of a party.

  2. yay, band nerds unite!  just bring some snacks for people. or better yet, have them throw you some kind of party or something

  3. Bring cupcakes or cookies for all and wear a birthday girl hat or tiara when in the stands! Have a late dinner or dessert when you get back from the game out at a local restaurant with friends!

    Happy early birthday!!!

  4. Have a party another day.  It's not bad to have your party on a day other than your sweet sixteen.  Maybe some of your friends will surprise you in the stands though.  Just enjoy yourself and have fun that day, and party on another one.

  5. Go on your day off and buy yourself something really nice at the mall.

  6. Celebrate your birthday with your band members. I had my 17th birthday with my band, It was tons of fun, I was made captain of the day with my squad ( i was a flagette/color guard) and i got to wear a tiara in the stands and lead all the dance routines, it was cool and we had cake after the game.

  7. Have a huge blow out before you go (so if you get clothes as presents you can take them with you on the trip) or you could have a party in the hotel room their with permission from the chaperons.

  8. bring a small treat for everyone,have a game on the bus like what did u do on ur 16th b-day.mayb they will sing 2 u 2!

  9. Bring cupcakes or cookies for all and for the marching band ask them to sing happy birthday or just tell them it's your birthday and they might sing it for you.


  10. You should totally just invite a few friends to see you preform and then have dinner. Small party :)

  11. Go play and party your *** off at the post game tailgate/Birthday party!

  12. Celebrate your B-day the next day or the next weekend ! no point of missing out on your 16th birthday!  You could go to the away game then a few day later or w/e celebrate your b-day. Invite some friends over and have cupccakes and drinks!

    hope this helps


    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I would take treats for the night of the game and have my party the day before or the day after.  You have an obligation to the band, and probably if you were going to have a party there would be people in the band you would want to invite.  This way you can spread your birthday out for more than one day.

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