
I am in minnesota and i want to get fireworks to CA but my mom says they do a thorough check @ the border?

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just visiting my grandparents and we are driving back in a couple of days. all i want is water bombs, u lite the fuse and throw em under water and they explode, extremely cool for my lil bro who is almost 10. anyway on our way back i wanted to go thru south dakota and get some of them. but my mom says that we will go to jail when they check our bagz at the CA border. i think that is a load of bull, but if it is true then i dont want anything to happen to my parents. so i no i didnt explain it well but do they check ur car for the fire worx?




  1. when you left CA did you see cars being stopped that were entering CA? think about it. Your mom probably doesn't want you to buy them, your brother can see something similar on youtube and there are enough wild fires in CA in the summer. Maybe you should reconsider....

  2. The last I knew California was part of the United States, and there are no border crossings that I'm aware of.

    However, Mom could have explained it a bit better.  Perhaps, the fact that in some states, fireworks is illegal, and the fact that your little brother is only 10 and that if you light this stuff up you could probably hurt him if the water bomb goes off too near him, or you, or a friend.  

    It is a load of Bull, but I think Mom is only looking out for the safety of her children when she said they do a thorough search at the border.  

    Please don't buy the fireworks.

    Good luck!!!!

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