
I am in my first stages of pregnancy. IS it ok to have my dog sleep in my room still?

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ok so im like 5 weeks and i know how important this time is to my baby. but my puggle sleeps in my room. its his room too he sleeps in his bed on the floor. Is it ok for the baby to have him in my room still? is it safe? is there any potential harm to the baby, or for the baby to get alergic reaction to him




  1. Your baby is very well protected in there. Letting the dog in the room is fine.

  2. Your puggle and the baby should be fine together!!  Just be careful how he reacts to your baby - introduce them slowly to each other.  I wouldn't worry too much about an allergic reaction.

  3. Forgive me for giggling and snickering, but there is no reason a dog will interfere with a pregnancy by being in the same room, or even sleeping in your bed.

  4. it can cause a miscarrige from pets u shouldnt be around dogs cats or any thing of the sort for long periods of time also stay away from cat litter and things like that  

  5. Sleeping with your dog is fine. You have to be careful about cats and litter boxes.

  6. Dogs are not dangerous ... cats are! well actually their pee is ...

    My dog (yorkie) lays over my tummy and my son hates it so he tries to kick her off haha! his kicks are horrible ... like he is jealous of her!!

    your fine  

  7. While you are pregnant it is fine for him to sleep in the room with you, but once the baby is born, you might not want that because of dog dander and potential allergies that the baby might have. I suggest you get the dog used to it now rather then later so no jealousy will happen.

  8. You should be fine, pregnancy is stressful enough without having to deal with your puggle feeling abandoned. I have never heard of a fetus developing allergies to an animal, but ask your doc to be safe. I do know that you don't want to handle reptiles, amphibians, or be near kitty litter. Hope this was helpful, congratulations!

  9. what a load of bull. these days there is hardly anything that you can do. I sleep on the lounge with my dogs all the time. and my cats are always in and out. My mum said that when she was pregnant (three kids, perfect health) was told do not have alcohol or smoke. that was it. and nothing bad happened. people are just reading to much into nowadays. im only 20 and im nearly 12 weeks. and i have had no problems what so ever yet. and i even have the cup of tea that you shouldnt.

    dont get to much into the do's and dont's they are just going to make you stress and be paranoid about everything.

  10. My chihuahuas slept with me, in my bed, my entire pregnancy. My baby is fine, super healthy. No allergies whatsoever. We co-sleep and the dogs sometimes naps with us but not at night because they wake him up whenever they move. It's completely safe.

  11. It's totally fine!

    The only worry is deciding once the baby comes that you don't want him sleeping in your room anymore because baby will be sleeping in there with you, and it will be hard to train a dog to sleep elsewhere and take care of a newborn at the same time.

  12. It's fine for your puggle to sleep in your room. You might not want him there once you have your baby though, so be prepared for other feelings as your pregnancy progresses. I am guessing you had the dog before you got pregnant? if so then there isn't much to worry about, unless your baby's father has severe allergies to dogs. I am allergic and I have a chinese crested, she is a hairless(no shedding) but I get hives from her l*****g my hands..eww. My two kids have no allergies, we'll see about this baby.

    Huggle for your Puggle! they are So cute!

  13. My dog slept in the room with me my entire pregnancy and beyond.  There is nothing that says you can't have the dog in the room too.  Studies have shown that babies that are introduced to animals early on are less likely to develop an allergy because they build up immunities.  The only time not to have a dog or any animal in the room with a child is when it is unsupervised or if you know the animal is a biter but for you to have your puggle in your room with you that is 100% ok, you shouldn't kick your dog out just because your pregnant.  I have a shih-tzu now that sleeps by my bed (my other dog died).  

  14. Oh, it's very unsafe, especially since he sleeps on the floor. He might send his demon mind-waves to your unborn child...!

  15. Why wouldn't it be ok?  My two big dogs slept in the bed with me all through my pregnancy..and still do!

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