
I am in need of astrological consultation badly please help?

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Hare Krishna ! My Birth details are as follows:

Date : 06-March-1980

Time : 19:40

Place : Jhansi ( U.P)

Janma Nakshatra : swati

Lagna : kanya

Actually i have had a failed marraige my marriage date was 07-08-2006 and my wife wasn't interested in marriage from day one and from when my Budh antardasha has started in my shani mahadasha i have gone thru multiple problems. I am right now going thru financial problems also and right now i don't know when are my problems going to get over, My wife hasn't given me divorce as yet and almost 2 years are over she has gone by she left on date 28-10-2006. I request the competent and merciful astrologer to please see as to what past karmas have i accumulated for which i am paying and what is the remedy ? Please help me i can be contacted on 9901295366




  1. Dinesh Sharma

     Hare Krishna,

    Hope all will be well soon ................

    I can hel you to suggest a very nice and learned astrologer, I know him since last twenty years ........... he is so incridible in his readings and providing remedies. You can write him.

    His name is Aditya ..........

    His Email id is :





  2. As per your date and time of birth there is rahu in your kundli in case of solving your problems you have wear 7 rati moonga and your all problems will solved within one week guraneted and daily give grass to cow. your all problem will solved in any other case write me.

  3. All of first you are not enjoying your marriage life with any body your divorce is after 6-3-2009 but it is very tribal full. and your money meter is all ways in tribal. I am vasudev astrologer 9825362203 Mack to a nice thing

  4. Dear Ravi,

    I have gone through your kundli I am not a very experienced astrologer but I can given you some idea about your kundli. Please dont worry, there are so many people who are suffering from this trauma you are not alone. Your lagnesh has fall into 6th house which is a house of deceases and sorrow and exchanging the house with saturn. You must be having some weakness of nervous system. Get it checked from a good neorologist and get cured. Jupiter being lord of 7th fall with rahu in 12th house which is also not a very good sign creating  "Chandaal yoga". and Venus is also in 8th house. My advise to you is that have patients. Do regular Yoga Pranayam and Chant Mantra of Lord Budh (Mercury) every day. Feed green leaves to Cow every day. As God has given you sorrow he will also give you lots of hapiness one day. There is always dawn after a dark night. Have patients. Yes you are right in saying that we pay for our previous life's karma in this life. My gratitude is with you.

  5. Dear Ravi,

    Jai Radhe. I am looking quickly at your kundli. Quick looks are quite dangerous, but I'll try to help you out, and then recommend that you get a full reading...

    Your Ascendant Ruler is terribly ruined by close, close conjunction with the Sun, who is the Lord of the 12th House. On top of that he is retrograde and is in the 6th House. Ketu is a less serious, but also a contributing negative factor.

    The Lord of the 6th House, Saturn, is in the 1st House, and is also retrograde. Please note you have FOUR retrograde planets.

    The Lord of the 7th House, Jupiter is in your 12th House which ruins him, and he is closely, closely conjunct with the destructive Mars, who is lord of the 8th. Again, Jupiter is also retrograde.

    Ravi - your karma is EXTREMELY complex and quite thoroughly ruined from a shallow and mundane materialistic point of view. Your situation is therefore very delicate. Wrong advice will lead you to extreme misery. You have the karma of a spiritualist, and you should be carefully advised on THAT path only.

    You can get a free reading on the internet. But frankly I'd rather marry a computer than have one interpret my personal horoscope.

    You can ask for free advice in forums like these, but 99 times out of 100 the answers will be rushed, even if a good astrologer answer, because s/he has other pressing business and paying clients to attend to. Cursory readings of horoscopes are dangerous at best.

    Therefore please have a proper reading done:

    Again, please obtain a careful reading. I would love to be of service. All your specific questions can be answered there. Quick answers to specific questions are always dangerous, because astrology takes place correctly only when the thousands of counter-balancing factors are correctly weighed against one another.

  6. born on thrus day, krishna panchami, swati-3, kanya lagna, tula rasi, .

    7th lord sani, in lagna  (7th kalatra kaaraka)

    the lord of lagna , budha, in 7th, in sani house,  with ravi, ketu,

    besides both r under 6/8 shastastaka

    kuja in 12th from lagna, ( though the effect some extent may be nullifed in this chart, & not known in spouse chart )

    but ravi   & budha, aspected by kuja, guru, rahu,

    ravi is 12th lord in wh kuja is,  placed,

    budha in 7th house,

    In Navamsa, budha, kuja r under parivartana,

    though u r having some good yogas like, amala trilochana,

    also shadowed by dainya yoga , meerati yogas ,

    sukra (kalatra kaaraka), in kuja house,

    budha being kaarka to fertility etc is in sani house , besides the lord of 6th , sani, in lagna,

    this may  influence on health point in the relevent feild (s) ,.

    since the moon in 2nd house in sukra house & also aspected by sukra, kalatra kaaraka,

    the sukra in 8th house,  ( the 8th house is for dhukha etc, 2nd for emotions too, )

    collectively , individually the plenetary positions , some extent , may cause  for the  existing position in vogue,

    the  lord of 5th house (karma  e tc, ) sani  in lagna, & 12th to moon ( manah kaaraka)

    try remidies/ upayas etc,

    learnd friend Mr. Manish  has given a good consolative answer,

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