
I am in pain after I brush my teeth ?

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Out of kindness my roommate bought me one of those colgate 360 toothbrush with the tongue and cheek scraper and also a new peroxide colgate toothpaste. Ever since I started using then combo, my gums and cheeks have been really sore after each time I brush. I usually brush my teeth gently for 2 minutes but can't do that anymore because it hurts. I was just wondering if it's the tooth brush or toothpaste ( I used to use crest whitening) or both?




  1. give your gums a break from both and use the normal stuff.

    when you are all healed, then go back to using ONE of the

    givin items.  for instance use a regular toothbrush with new

    toothpaste, and see if that is causing pain.  then try new

    toothbrush, with the old tooth paste.

  2. Could be both.  Perhaps you scrubbed harder than you should have.  That happend to me once.  Keep an eye on it, if it doesn't improve see the doc.  Feel better!

  3. Same thing happened to me with this other toothpaste. Its probably because your gums and teeth got irritated because its too strong with chemicals. I suggest that you stop using what you are currently using and go back to normal. In the meantime you can take some pain killers like Advil or Tylenol.

    Hope I helped :]

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