
I am in search of a car under $20,000 that will never break down for as long as I live?

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No more than 20,000 miles on it if used. It's gotta seat 5, have leather seats, and have a miraculous fuel efficiency. Snap to it. Somebody.




  1. No such car, all cars break down at some point, just some are more reliable than others, by the way DON'T BUY A  VW!  They are costly  to maintain.

  2. They are still trying to make it.

  3. The Honda Civic is under 20K new.  And it fill all your requirements.

    But as far as break down, that really depends on you not the car.  My father always had problems with his cars because he never took care of it.  But I mostly have trouble free cars because I maintain it well.

    There are 4 most important maintenance items in your engine and tranny (the most expensive parts of the car).

    (1) engine oil (3k - 5K miles)

    (2) tranny oil (30K miles)

    (3) coolant (3 years)

    (4) timing belt (60K miles)

    Just keep those maintenance and your engine and tranny will be problem free.  I have a 94 Civic with 187K miles and the engine + tranny + suspension runs like new.  I get 41 MPG (doing 72 MPH).  I can get even better MPG doing 55.

    Good maintenance pays off.

    Good Luck...

  4. a car that will be guaranteed to never break down as long as you cant guaranteethat your cant wont break down the next time you go out no matter what car you have or how much money you spend on it...such a silly question

  5. Depends on how long you intend to live.  Might be that you get a ferrari and drive it so that it needs repairs just at the time your life ends.  But if you are serious, then of course a honda or a topyota are the best bet because in test after test they have the best reliability.  But remember even the best brands are not 100% reliable.  The only way to not have problems with cars is not to have one.

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