
I am in soo much trouble.?

by  |  earlier

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Okay.. Last night my boyfriend and I were messing around alot, and he ended up leaving me this HUGE hickey.. Its like the size of a silver dollar =/. ANyway I woke up this morning and put my hair in a pony tail, and when I went out to the living room my mom saw my hickey. She gets all pissed off like thats so trashy blah blah blah.. And i tell her like i could have done wayyy worse things right? She doesnt care if i smoke pot? Why are hickeys a big deal?? She is pissed at my boyfriend cuz this is the 3rd strike (she has warned him b4).

So what do i do, or like tell my mom to help her stop freaking out

ps. im 15(turning 16 in 3 weeks) boyfriends 17- and we have been 2gether 8 months.




  1. Haha, well apparently your mom is picky about certain things. Maybe she justs has a hard time trusting your boyfriend? How about finding time to sneak the two together so they can bond a little better, then she can trust him, and she'll feel a little bit better. Best bet is to please your mom for the time being, and let her cool off. It maybe something else thats bothering her. Maybe she still sees you as a little girl, or i'm not sure. The best thing is communication, so try having a calm talk without yelling at her, or crying. Show her how mature you can really be. Hope this helped! Good luck girl!

  2. what des she mean 3rd strike?

    time for her to let go i think , rember to use condoms  

  3. Oh don't listen to these people..I'm 15 and I smoke pot too..and so does my mom...and I'm a B+student so nobody can say I'm dumb or my mothers a bad parent.

    Anyway..the ony reason ur mom is upset is cause its kind of like the guy branded you, ya know? But its not that bad...just sit her down and tell her thats the farthest youve gotten.

  4. Your mother is right, it is trashy, and that's exactly what people think when they see it on your neck. If you knew it was there, why did you put your hair in a ponytail so that everyone could see it? It doesn't matter how long you have been with your bf (and in reality, 8 months is not that long) people will look at that and think you are trashy. Tell your boyfriend to respect you and your body and stop leaving marks. It's not him that is going to be judged for it. I know at 15 you probably think it's cool, but trust me, people look at it and automatically assume you are S****y.

  5. You are 15 and your mom doesn't care that you smoke pot? Wow......... I think you both need help. Because she is supposed to be your MOM not your friend

  6. This is kind of irrelevant but everyone who is criticizing your mom for letting you smoke pot is totally nuts. it isn't dangerous and it isn't a big deal. My mom not only lets me she smokes pot with me because if i don't do it at home I'll do it somewhere else and get into a car crash with my friends or something. You have a good mom. She's realistic about things and you should tell you're being responsible with your boyfriend but respect that she doesn't like the way hickeys look so try not to get them. They are trashy and if you can't avoid it DON"T put your hair in a ponytail next time, leave down so she hopefully won't see it.

  7. Ask her if she would rather you have them where they can't be seen.

  8. hickeys are pretty discusting...

    you are only 15 but at the same time, she lets you smoke pot? im questioning her parenting at this point.

    Stop letting him give you hickeys, they to look trashy.

  9. Omg , you're 15 and smoking pot ? Anyways,

    You've been together for 2 weeks ? Are you kidding me ?

    Hickey's are sl*tty and disgusting, and your boyfriend could get charged with statutory.

  10. i can understand her being upset, even though u didn't have s*x those type of things do lead into it , i mean i'm pretty sure she'll get over it but yeah she has every right to be mad

  11. Considering how young you are I can understand her irritation. But honestly, if you were my daughter I'd probably just laugh at the silly hickey. You might want to (very respectfully) point out to her that you and your boyfriend are not doing anything worse than that AND that you're being very responsible and safe.

  12. im sorry but hickeys are trashy and cheap why do you want an ugly thing like that. if you have been with your boyfriend all that time why does he feel the need to brand you. grow up, thay are horrible and if i was your mum i would be furious that my daughter is so cheap to go around with one of them

  13. Well no offense but if she has warned youre boyfriend and he doesnt listen to her that shows he has no respect for her. But on the other hand having a hickey is nothing compared to smoking pot. A hickey doesnt premanently harm the body.

    Dont tell her to stop freaking out that will just make her more mad. If you want to keep youre boyfriend tell him to give you hickies where you can hide them from now on.

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