
I am in the United States and wish to Go home?

by Guest67183  |  earlier

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I have been stuck in the USA for quite sometime (12 months almost), and have been trying to get home.

I entered the country by land, in hopes of only being here for a day but my girlfriends mother had got sick and refused to take me back to Canada.

I have been desperatly trying to get home but the only way I can do so is getting on a bus, I've finally got ahold of my parents so I can finally go home.

I am not Mexican, I have not done anything illegal, or jumped the border, but I would like to know if I'd get arrested or just have to suffer not returning?

As well my girlfriend wishes to come along for the trip so she can visit my parents, she will be brinign her own money and a return ticket.

Will the canadian border flag me, or will it only be a matter of not being able to cross the american border again?




  1. You shouldn't have any problems.....they'll probably be happy to see you leaving the USA, no offense, but that's just the way things seem nowadays.  Do you have Canadian credentials on you?  Because you'll be dealing with their border patrol, or at least that's how it is crossing into Windsor...

  2. Do you not have two feet, just walk North! Just do not try to enter Canada with a firearm! They will ask you if you have anything that needs to be declared, if not walk right on in! I did and I am 100% American.

  3. ???

  4. so being mexican is a crime?

    and if your from canada you did jump the border...just get on the dam bus...i dont get your question

  5. The US has no exit controls.  You did not get an I-94 when you entered the United States.  Nobody knows you were here and nobody will know that you left.  You're just another Canadian going home.

    You'll have no problem coming back.

  6. Why would you be flagged? How likely is it that border authorities will KNOW when you arrived last?  

    I don't understand why you and your girlfriend were unable to purchase a bus ticket for you.  Or where your parents were for a year that they were inaccessible. Or why you didn't simply contact a Canadian embassy.

    If you get home to Canada, I suggest you stay there.  You may not be fit for travel.

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