
I am in the beginning stage of a lawsuit against a restaurant, ordered a bean burito but ate chicken?

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I been a strict vegitarian for 15 years and this ruined my life with bad nightmares every night. My body isnt pure anymore, sent a demand letter out for 100 million, I gained 20 lbs and dont exercise anymore, do I have a chance, I will get something for this!




  1. You've got about as good of a chance as that person who spilled hot coffee on her lap.  She lost.

  2. Sounds like a winner to me.  I've never been a vegetarian or vegan, but I once got a curly fry in with my straight fries at Arby's.  I'm sitting on a gold mine.  It makes me sick to this day just thinking about that d**n curly fry.  It tasted so good, that I can't eat straight fries anymore.  I ended up with $50 million.  But I would give it all back, if they just wouldn't have included that fry.

  3. One accident ruins your life? You have nightmares every night from something that happens a million times a day? You actually expected money, never mind 100 million?

    I'm sorry, I really don't think you have a chance. You went into a chicken restaraunt and got some chicken by accident, what a shock. How many times do you think that happened and you didn't notice?

  4. yeah im sorry but im pretty sure your a troll i mean 100 mill as if

  5. Seeing how this could cause an adverse medical reaction, it could be called wreck-less endangerment and possible food poisoning. also, as there is the possibility of an allergy i would say that you have some what of a case, but not if you ate the entire thing with out complaint, a bite and revulsion is what would be expected in this situation. as well as witnesses, but i am not a lawyer.

    (turns on his GB:DS to play Phoenix Wright: ace attorney)

  6. Please tell me this is a joke!!!!!! LOL

  7. So when did you know you ate chicken?

    Surely you would have noticed immediately and sent it back.

    I managed restaurants for years and all vegans & vegetarians made it EXTREMELY clear no meat or byproducts.

    And what did you expect to gain sending a "demand letter"?

    Did you think they would take you seriously?

    You are not qualified to act as your own attorney.

    Something just doesn't sound right to me.

    Any more detail?

  8. If you have been a strict vegetarian for 15 years, why can't you spell the word right?

    And, you how could you eat the whole thing without knowing it's chicken?

    I've been a vegan for a little over a year, and I can SMELL the difference.

    Please. You are full of c**p.

  9. You didn't get what you ordered, but ate it anyway?

    Any weight gain is your fault only. The nightmares are just hearsay. And if you don't exercise anymore no wonder you gained weight.  The chance is that you will be laughed out of court.

  10. No lawyer will take that case.  Do a fast, flush your system, and get on with your life.

    (And someone who wasn't a troll would probably know how to spell "vegetarian.")

  11. You don't haev a case unless you can provide evidence of substantial damages.

    I suspect you are a troll.

  12. Calm down, nobody died.....well maybe the chicken. You vegans are something else.  YOU are in control over what YOU eat... 20 lbs., a lack of exercise and lack of "purity" all on a little bird. That's an awful lot of responsibility for one little chickie.

    A free meal maybe, fine. Replace the wrong order with the right order, absolutely. Take a pill! Somebody goofed!

    Apparently "pure" is synonymous with "perfect". You've never screwed up?? Oh, wait, you ate a chicken burrito and you're a veg. Oops! Someone as needy as yourself should maybe check their food before you eat it.

    You're like the people who sue McDonald's cuz they're fat!!!(and the dumb a** with the 'hot' coffee-duh)

    Take some responsibility. Stop looking for the easy score!

  13. Calm down.

    You are too sue-happy. Complain to the manager and get a refund and your next meal free.

    No need to sue for 100 million. That's insane. I hope that you don't get one penny of that.

    I do hope that you get a free meal.

    Talk to a lawyer.

  14. LMFAO you cant be serious right, well if you are then i hope you get laughed out of court. WOW i cant believe how stupid some people are, unless your just making this up, if you are then thx for the laugh.

  15. wow I'm 8 years in, and 2 years ago I got some "vegetarian" chinese that had chicken broth in it, and I never even thought to sue. But that was some serious pain I felt like I was gonna die, but it went away after a day, and I just didn't eat there again. Just don't go to a restaurant if they aren't vegetarian friendly. Don't sue, just go to work and earn your money the old fashioned way. Get real dude.

  16. This has happened to me so often, I only eat in resturants that have many vegetarian dishes. Even your mainstream Olive Garden types of resturants make mistakes. Remember that only fine dining resturants use 'chefs' the rest hire cooks. It is best if your waiter understands that you are vegetarian, and seems sympathetic to that. Otherwise, you really are playing with fire. And it is so disgusting when you haven't had meat in years. Even a bit of broth will mess you up for days.

    I think you might have a chance with a lawsuit. I often wanted to. I think that you would have to prove that you told your waiter that you were vegan (like if you were allergic to peanuts, it wouldn't be enough to order something without peanuts, you'd have to tell the waiter that you are allergic).



  17. i am also a vegetarian and when i order something i always check to see if it is what i ordered, because being a strick vegetarian i know people make mistakes. but like when you took your first bite it should have been really obvious that it was chicken you were eating and not beans. and i dont think 1 burrito will make you gain 20 pounds, thats your fault. your lawsuit is a joke. what a waste of time.

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