
I am in the fast food business?

by  |  earlier

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just getting started and i would like to know how would you control your over/shortages in the registers of the cashiers




  1. 1. Get the registers that tell the cashier how much change to give.

    2. Set an amount you are willing to loose, ie $10 a pay period, after which you have to let them go.

    3. No one sets out to be a bad cashier, if they can't do the register, have then do everything else, but the register.

  2. All shortages should come out of their pay!

    A weekly/monthly  reward for the employee whom is most constantly on target!

    Love is the answer,  Pandora

  3. Some registers are programed for the correct price, are yours or does the cashier have to input the price. They might also be not be charging certain people for what they get like charging for one sandwich when they got two. Keep track of the "overs & unders" for each person and write them up if the amount seems excessive, to be detremied by you. To many warnings will cause the person to be dismissed, I don't like the word "fired" like I don't like the word "job" "work" sounds better.

  4. Tell them if their drawers are under then they're fired!

  5. pay attention.

  6. put your overages to the side and equal shortage if needet with the overages .

  7. Make sure who you hire can count

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