
I am in the process of building an extension. should i fit a gas fire?

by Guest59817  |  earlier

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or go for a wood burning stove. With gas and oil reached its peak, would I not be better turning to sustainable sources to heat my house?




  1. you should look into solar panels for an electric stove the new panels will still produce a sufficent charge even at night and its a one time cost

  2. In this day & age I would say all those heating means you talk of are installed only as features and not a means to heat a house. I would pick one of them as a feature & go with thermal ground heating, underfloor heating or standard gas. If adventurous go with solar. Thermal ground heating you will be pleasently amazed at the output however the price might be scary initailly.

  3. If you get a wood burning stove where you can see the wood burning, go for that. It's such a satisfying sight. However, if it's your primary source of heating, it's a lot of work. It needs to be cleaned each day, whereas a gas heater just needs an annual service.

  4. 1. Woodstoves have advantages both environmentally and financially.

    2. If you are prepared to source waste timber or factory scraps then you may really have a more sustainable source of heat.

    3 Woodstoves do take more effort, collecting. storage chopping wood and cleaning them out.  

    I have a woodstove, if you are prepared to chop and haul wood on a cold winter's day, and wait for the house to warm up, then go for it.

  5. You should be using electric heaters that are connected into the solar panels that you will be putting on the roof of you new extension.

    Gas releases more CO2 than coal, burning wood releases sequestered CO2 plus the added CO2 from combustion of the wood and electricity from the power grid adds to the overall CO2 release.

    To be really green you should not be adding the addition to your house, because it increases your carbon footprint.

  6. My brother -in-law, built a home in Fairbanks Alaska, 2x6 studs, and thermal windows, he heats to whole house with one pellet stove, and celling fans to disperse the heat.

    pellet stoves are the most effective and economical form of space heating.

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