
I am in the process of selling my father's house (estate sale) the closing date keeps changing?

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my parents filed for bankruptcy in 2004 shortly before my mom passed away. We have all the bankruptcy docuemts. Why is this closing taking so long? What is the delay? Is there anything I missed?




  1. Who is representing your dad in this transaction?  That person should be giving him the answers - from what you say, it sounds like you are helping out but I'm not sure if your name is on the title to the house so perhaps that's why you're not hearing the whole story?  Maybe your dad can get on the phone with his lawyer and ask the lawyer to explain it to you?  As said already, there are many things that could be delaying the closing - could be something with the buyers.  The realtor or attorneys or bank handling the closing should be advising your dad of what's going on.

  2. Could the house be a short sale? Because short sales tend to take a long time before everything is finalized.

  3. Trust me, real estate transactions are never as easy as they seem.  Any problems may have absolutely nothing to do with the bankruptcy.  Just try to be patient and things almost always work out.

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