
I am intending to move to Germany for good, bc i hear its free and they pay you, how much would i need to move

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I have been told that in Germany, you get paid up to 600 euros to go to school. I have always loved Germany from day one. I also do not speak very much German, or at all really. I am very good with languages. I am confident once in the intensive class to learn German i can learn it quite fast. I am a Guatemalan citizen but a US resident. I can't afford to go to school here. I have a friend that lives in Berlin, he told me i can move in with him. Also told me about free school and getting 600 euros for going to school. I know some states are charging. As far as I know Berlin isn't charging yet. I just want to know how my odds are looking if anyone has any info about this. The more i look in to it the more complicated it gets, at first it looked so easy and fun now it's looking a little harder. Trust me as hard as it gets, I'm still moving there. So if any one can give me any advice i'd love to hear from anyone.




  1. I'm not German so not qualified to speak as such, but it does raise eyebrows? Free schooling and getting paid to do so?  

    If this were the case then I am sure that Germany would be inundated with applicaitons from even other EU nationals (who learn German at school even) who could move there visa-free (as in most countries you have to pay for schooling and apply for a student grant, but this is no guarantee of success)

    I know in at least two EU countries that education is not free and actually foreign students pay a higher level of tuition fees (and are not entitled to any state benefits at all), so are you sure that it is free for foreign nationals as well as German (EU) nationals?

    I am curious to see the outcome, but I would really strongly suggest you contact at least one if the Universities in Germany yourself and verify this information before you set your heart on it.  Then if it is so, contact the local Germany embassy to find out the procedure for a visa application

    Do not trust answers about visas on Yahoo Answers as the gospel truth.  (I have seen so many wrong answers and know some deatils first hand from having a non-EU husband)

    So my message to you is get the info first hand to be sure

  2. you need to immigrate to germany frist. that is very difficult i'm afraid.

  3. You have gotten the wrong information, but maybe not as wrong...

    (1) There are no school tuition fees in the state of Berlin and several other German states

    (2) It is possible to get an allowance called BAFOEG that also supports you (I think much lower than 600 EUR), but it is not something automatic that all students get, but something that depends on economic condition, etc. There are also sometimes grants and scholarships used for support for students from other countries, and I would think that someone from a country like Guatamala would be able to get it, try to look up scholarships at

    In general, I would recommend saving enough money to pay for an intensive  German language course (done in Germany, it is naturally more effective) and checking on the DAAD which universities in Berlin teach the subject you want to take - university system here is different than college system in the US.

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