
I am interested in a Muslim guy. I am Catholic. Is there a dating etiquette of dos and don'ts out there? Tx?

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I am interested in a Muslim guy. I am Catholic. Is there a dating etiquette of dos and don'ts out there? Tx?




  1. that's quite a clash of cultures, especially the religious aspect, which will clash.  i'd say you should pass and find a good christian or catholic man.  have a nice day.  

  2. First of all is the guy interested in you? Muslims do not tend to date, but some do. I'd say if you two did end up together, just be respectful of the religion. Don't eat pork in front of him or drink alcohol because those are haram. Those would be the polite things to do religious wise

  3. If he's a devout muslim then I doubt your interest in him will go any further than that, his parents won't allow it for a start. If he's not so much then just be yourself, if he likes you then he'll accept you for who you are and not for religion, there's no point trying to do things differently at the start, you're both from completely different religions that very rarely come together, you'll both realise that.

  4. Why, in God's name and everything that's holy in this world, would you want to date a Muslim guy? You're better off dating someone in prison.....good luck!

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