
I am interested in adopting a child would i stand a chance as a single man?

by  |  earlier

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I run my own buisness from home and i am already a single father to my son I have plenty of room and a safe house




  1. Yes you should have a chance of adopting a child. It's rather routine for single women to adopt so i don't see any reason why single men shouldn't. I've known a few great single fathers in my time (to both boys and girls). Your s*x shouldn't make any difference to your suitability as an adoptee, the thing that will really count is ifyou fit the other criteria for adoption, such as having good social suppot, etc. (see your local council for adoption criteria)

    I dont know why some people have given thumbs down to other answers - its the year 2007 - and sexist views have no place in todays soceity.

  2. It happened in highlander 3, so who knows.

  3. I have heard of a single man adopting. There is no law against it and as far as I know if you have enough money and space in your home youve got a good chance.

    You should definetly try. The country is moving forward when it comes o this

    Wish you well

  4. Contact an adoption agency in your area.  They'll have the most accurate answer.

  5. I would research the effects on a child growing up without a mother first

  6. It is possible in the US, but most foreign counties do not allow single men to adopt. You may try private adoption agencies. It may sound harsh, but I doubt it will be easy if you go through the state agencies. Even though things are progressing, state agencies are more likely to place a child in a two parent home. Best of Luck!

  7. Yes! It's more difficult to do a private adoption but if you're looking at kids in the foster care system, there's a very good chance. :)

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