
I am interested in building a web-site.

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I would prefer to avoid the expensive packages like Dreamweaver and FrontPage. I am looking for something that is easy to learn and not cost an arm and a leg and at the same time produces great results.





  1. Hello there

    If you want a free website creator, you can use

    It is a totally free service for personal websites, and it is based on flash that enables you to design amazing interactive and animated layouts.

  2. Free Tutorials

  3. always start with your research:



  4. I really encourage you to use XHTML (EXtensible HyperText Markup Language). I am using HTML right now, but I will soon switch to XHTML because you can have cleaner code and organize them better than with HTML. HTML and XHTML tutorials are here:

    Hope my answer helped!

    -- HTML Dude

  5. Start by learning some basic html. Use Google or Yahoo, type 'html tutorial.'  There's a load of information out there for you to get started.

  6. OpenOffice is free, but it doesn't have very much power in terms of HTML editing and I wouldn't recommend it for more serious work. Nvu is another free program which probably suits your needs better, the only reason I don't use it is that it kept on messing up the stuff I'd made in OpenOffice, as well as shifting around various margins and preventing me from changing them back, but that might be my computer's fault rather than the program's. Alternatively you could just code the website by hand.

  7. Try Weebly or Blinkweb, their easy to manage free website (or blog) has cool features that include drag and drop capability, switch designs on the fly, youtube and google video, custom html, upload images, flikr photo gallery, visitor stats and more.  You can also buy a new domain instantly, or host your existing domain for free and make it your own (

    If your looking for something more advanced but still user friendly then try CityMax or Site Builder Designs, they have everything you need in building your own website: domain name registration or domain transfer, web hosting, web builder, site maintenance and email accounts. Everything is laid out in an easy to follow step by step instruction. Some of the features included enable you to add your own themes, videos, images or mp3 music making your site unique to you. Pricing is comparable and affordable too.

    I hope that I was of some help and answered your question.

  8. I used a program called HotDog Pro. I am not sure if its still around anymore.

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