
I am interested in psychology, where do I go?

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I just want to read stuff online about formulas for human behaviour and chemical imbalances in the brain and crazy stuff like that.




  1. Go to a physiologist  :)

    Go and Google Psychology...I'm sure you will get a lot of information. I use Google all the time.

  2. Search on google.

    Main stream psychology is pretty poor, in the words of aleister crowley it's like taking a yard stick, measuring out ten yards leaving it at that but actualy you don't know anything other about the stick and distance than the smaller one is a tenth of the bigger.

    Read from all sorts of things and decide what you think is true.

  3. University!

  4. I would say go to a University. There you will learn all you will ever need to learn about psychology, and can land a decent job also. Good luck.

  5. You need to see a shrink!  Psychology is the profession of a professional student, constantly searching for "self" in a selfish world, and then settling for stroking the hand of a patient on a sliding scale pay basis.  Most fail and become carpenters.  But Psychiatry is the one with all the good drugs; and, it requires an MD and then some.  Many are loopy as their patients!

  6. Formulas? Not sure.  

  7. I'm sure you can find lots of stuff using Google and typing in some choice key words, but head over to the closest library and check out some books. Computers can be slow, and pages can be timed out, but a book doesn't have such issues. ;-)

    And if you're really interested, look into college. I'm doing it myself!

  8. university for 2009 rankings [just finished helping my sis look up colleges for cognitive psychology & science so this webbie is great]


    hope this helps!

  9. Go to or and type in "Psychology 101" in the search engine box.

    You should be able to find anything you want to know about Psychology.  It is a very interesting topic!  Good luck!

  10. school!

  11. the nuthouse.

  12. go to google and type in neuroscience for kids and click on the first one i think.  It's actually a really good website.

    here better yet...

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