
I am interested in purchasing the Rich Jerk program. Anyone tried it?

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I am interested in purchasing the Rich Jerk program. Anyone tried it?




  1. Rich Jerk is funny, he's admitting he's a jerk, so you can't complain about his service.

    He's NOT rich, at least not making millions, he's not even giving you his real name (that should tell you).

    How does he make money? He sells you a book about selling other people books, and so on, it's very similar to referral and affiliate marketing.

    If you can afford to put time and effort into that stuff, you're better off getting a real job.

  2. What can I say?  The Rich Jerk is the Rich Jerk.  Loud, obnoxious, etc.  But I think his materials are actually quite advanced for the novice user.  If you are looking to make money from home, the Rich Jerk is not necessarily the answer.

  3. Rich Jerk, huh?  My advice would be to stay away.  Far away.  Stay away from the Rich Jerk, I say.

  4. Answer this: The guy basically works at a job selling books on the internet. If you were rich as he says he is, would you keep your job as a book salesman?

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