
I am interested in selling Avon but I am in a rural area with not many people around,how would I go about it?

by Guest56148  |  earlier

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I am interested in selling Avon but I am in a rural area with not many people around,how would I go about it?




  1. You are in the perfect market setting. You will need transport though, ask your community ladies club or weight watchers club can you come and offer your services at one of their meetings or better still get some fliers printed and wait outside at the end of their next meetings and hand them to the ladies. Women together encourage each other to shop, it's always uplifting to treat oneself with a little make-up or body lotion! Do some research in your area of all the clubs/sports organisations and even post a leaflet on a shop window or church notice board (with permission of course) you will obviously have to ring avon to become a rep first but I imagine you already have done that.

    Good luck, you will be suprised at the amount of women who will order from you,you could also have an avon party if they allow that. Find out if there is an avon lady in your area already you are kind of scuppered if there is.

  2. you can sell online :)

  3. I sell Avon and you can sell to banks, stores, barber shops, schools, you name it! At first, it's a little hard to find alot of customers, but once u tell others, they can spread the word- tell as many friends and family as you can. You can also sell Avon online. Hope this helps!

  4. You could leave books in the library, supermarkets, etc.  I think anywhere that you see others leaving flyers or community boards.  There are many places that you could actually put info up about your business.

    And personally for me it has been worth while. I am able to make $250 every 2 weeks in addition to my full time income.

    Not sure if you are aware but now you can sign up to become a representative online plus it is only $10 to get started and with all the support that is available out there you should be able to make a great income.

    If you do happen to be interested and are ready to get started just go to my website and hit the Become a Representative link so that I could email you online application website.

    Hope that helped answer your question!

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