
I am interested in the US Border Patrol.. any help would be awesome!!?

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I am a 21 year old male, currently attending college and I have been trying to decide what career I want to pursue. The FBI was always something that seemed interesting to me but I was always told that having a military background is a big plus and is looked highly upon when joining the FBI. I dont wanna go into the armed forces so i kinda just backed out of that idea.

Now the US Border Patrol has become an interest of mine. My only question is where would I be relocated to if i did get through. Are there any postings in the southeast. I have lived in the southeast (georgia and alabama) all my life and it would be awesome if i could be posted somewhere close to here..

thanks for any and all input!!





  1. i looked into border patrol as well. after your 55 day academy, you have to attend another 45 days of spanish if you do not speak it. After that you will be stationed in either Texas, Arizona or New Mexico for your first 3 years. starting salary is around $36,000

  2. Are you aware how difficult it is to qualify and that you'll need to learn Spanish? (it's a very tough language to learn, especially the verbs)

    Are you also aware that if you make a mistake as a US Border Patrol agent the government is eager to send you to jail?

    See below

    In that case above, the drug smuggler was given immunity and the agents sent to jail for doing their jobs.

  3. Why join the border patrol?  If Mexican army troops cross the border you are instructed to cut and run and cry to the nearest worthless bureaucrat in charge.  If a dope dealer threatens you and you take a shot and kill / injure him, you get prosecuted and get to do time.  Sounds like a loser to me.

  4. The borde patrol will accept anyone with a hs diploma or ged and is willing to relocate to either texas arozona or new mexico.

    You will be relocated to those three states

  5. The Border Patrol is kind of a mix between military and an agency as to where you end up. They'll let you know where you're needed. I don't know if Border Patrol deals with customs, but that's the only way I'd think you'd get a job in Georgia or Alabama. They are definitely hiring right now though, so if that's what you want to do, go for it.

    More on the FBI though, you don't have to be military. Look at the other newer topic about the FBI to get more info on their requirements.

    Best of luck.

  6. Here you go:

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