
I am interested in traveling to Buenos Aires in March. Any and all help appreciated.?

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I would love any suggestions from what airline to fly, where to stay, what to see, etc.

Also, I am single woman and will be traveling solo, is it safe enough for me to do so?

Thank you.




  1. It's a lovely country with a lot of very nice people BUT!!!! be care full , i just spent a month in Cordoba . Don't carry a lot of cash , leave it in the bank at home and use your visa or cc i got a better exchange rate that way . Lan air is a very good service . having read the answers you already have take heed from all of them each one has a good and valid point, keep out of the cities theres a lot of beautiful country to see and be prepared to eat some of the best food you have ever tasted , hope you enjoy your visit for sure you will want to return

  2. Aerolineas Argentinas is really good.

    You can go to Bs As alone, but be sure of not taking much money or golden stuff to the street.

  3. Hi, airline doesn't really make a big difference.

    I would go with the cheapest one. Stay away from AA because they receive discrimination complaints.

    Also, the safe places in Argentina are like Lujan, Palermo, Recoleta, etc

    There are many unsafe places where you can get robbed. Don't go outside at night, specially and don't take taxi cabs at night cuz sometimes the taxi driver will take out a knife and rob you.

    This happens a lot in argentina, as you see, the country has almost 50% unemployment.

    I'm flying to argentina march 6th, and I'm not staying alone cuz I know it's pretty dangerous.

  4. I envy you! Well first I advise you to take aerolineas Argentinas, because if you decide later to make internal flights in Argentina, you will get a discount if you prove you arrived with them to the country. When i went there I stayed in an furnished apartment in La Recoleta, one of the best and safest neighborhoods in the city. it is central, so i used to walk to all the areas of the city. during the day it is fairly safe in the center. Buenos Aires is a city that has a spirit, no particular place to visit, you just enjoy walking around, and eating well.

    Anyway good luck and have a great trip!

  5. BA is beautiful. Wonderful people---WONDERFUL food *(It's fairly cheap steak I've ever had). Be careful crossing streets. You DO NOT have the right of way. You WILL get hurt if you're not careful. If possible bring a friend---traveling is better and easier. You can watch out for each other and will enjoy the company on the plane ride etc.....

    Have fun!

  6. Dont know what your budget is but if you need to watch your pesos.

    These prices are in Pesos. A good service from the airport to the city which there is a kiosk to buy your ticket is Manuel Tienda Leon

       There is a large list of cheap accomodation.

    18,000,000 people there are a few scoundrels. But for a large city is relatively safe

      If money is no object just take a cab to the Sheraton hotel

  7. I just spent a year in Argentina (most of it in Cordoba), but about a month in Buenos Aires.  I'm a 22 year old female, and you will be fine.  I actually felt safer there than in other Latin American countries because there are so many people of European descent that I blend in more.  Also, Argentina has a very LATE night culture (dinner at 10:00 sound good?), so there were always a lot of people out at night.  That being said, don't be over-confident, don't go out with $500 on you, don't wear flashy jewelry, pretend like you know where you are and what you're doing, even if you don't.  Whenever I need directions and I'm in a shady area, I usually try to ask a woman working in a shop.  DO see everything you want to, DO have fun, DO go out at night (in a group, preferably--don't get wasted or stay out ridiculously late, although I don't think that concept exists in Buenos Aires), DO use good judgement!  Practice your Spanish as much as you possibly can before you go.  In any Latin American county (and I would imagine in ANY country), speaking the language earns you respect and diminishes your chances of people (merchants, taxi cab drivers), taking advantage of use and charging too much.  Taxis should use meters, but they also have the bad habit of taking the 30 minute route to get you somewhere that is 5 minutes away from you.  Try using the bus system (get directions on how to do this from your hostel), it's very well set-up.  Ask the driver to tell you when your stop is.

    For the airline, I would go with American Airlines or LAN ( If you do LAN, you can buy a south america airpass, or I think they also do an Argentina one.  Aerolineas is subsidized by the government, so Argentinians get a great rate, while foreigners end up paying exhorbitnat prices for the same flight.  I try to always fly with LAN, I've never been disappointed with them, or American, they also have a good reputation, and have treated me well.

    Some things to do are, of course, take Tango lessons, go to Palermo Hollywood (design district), San Telmo (really colorful, historic, full of tango, i LOVE that place, also kind of shady so watch yourself), La Boca (the place with the colored houses, where Tango was born it was cool, also shady), Recoleta (the rich area, Evitas grave, etc etc), Puerto Maldonado (the port area, at night its has a lot of nice dining options, see $$$), La Florida (pedestrian street downtown full of stores and street artists).

    In Palermo on Sundays they have like a designer's market, where independent designers sell their goods.  They are cheap, these are designers in the making or designers content to be more like artisans.  You can find some really cool, original stuff.

    In Recoleta on Sundays there is a huge artisans market.  It's really fun, and there's usually great live music on the lawn.

    And in San Telmo on Sundays there is a MASSIVE antique market.  Ridiculously large.  Also very cool.  I'm not into antiques but there are other things, as well as very intriguing street performances, and live tango.  You may also be privy to Murga, which is this amazing cool music, I don't really know how to describe it, it's used for protests and teh costuming and beat and dance is unbelievable.  I fell in love with that.  Sometimes there are performes in San Telmo (they go through the street -- this is NOT a violent protest, more of an awareness-raiser), or also in La Boca.

    As far a hostals I can't really recommend because I stayed with a friend, but I know hostelling international has a few hostels there.  If worse comes to worse, you can stay there, its very reputable and will be full of other travellers that you can do things with.

    I had a friend who used to give tours to travellers.  She's 30 and very fun, trilingual, knows everything going on the city (popular and underground), and probably is reasonable in price.  If your interested, contact me, and I'll see if she's up for it.  If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me as well and I'll see if I can help you.

    Best of luck! And buen viaje!

  8. NO!!!...Do not go alone.  It is not that safe now.  The country is beautiful and the people too, but there is so much trouble no money and no jobs, alot of rioting and robberies.  do not go alone.  They will be able to tell you are a foreign and it could be a problem.

  9. Say in the city.

    You can't carry a purse or wear any expensive Jewelery because you will get robbed.

    Some things you can do is take Tango lessons, have a typical argentine meal, go to the Ocean

  10. What airline you're likely to fly has a lot to do with your origination point.  In other words, if you live in Miami, you'll have a lot more options than if you live in San Francisco.

  11. I think u should visit Caco I'm not sure how to spell it.

  12. First of all, you can fly with Aerolineas Argentinas, Delta, American Airlines, United Airlines, Aero Mexico, Aero Boliviana (which is the cheapest).

    About life in Buenos Aires: the best neighborhoods to stay are Recoleta, Palermo and Belgrano. There are many places to see like The Obelisco, Caminito, los bosques de Palermo (a park similar to Central Park in NY) and many many more... you'll find aut as soon as you get here.

    Buenos Aires is MUCH safer than many capital cities in the rest of South America. We do have criminals, but if you take care, nothing's gonna happend to you. Of course, it's not safe for a woman to walk alone at nigth, but it's not imposible either (just try to be in places were there's people). Please, DO NOT wear jewelery and try to carry just enough money to spend in one day.

    Most places accept credit cards but we manage cash a lot.

    If you take taxis, ALWAYS call a taxi (Ex. EL Taxi: 49 22-99 99)... never take a taxi that you see in the street specially during the night or going out of a night club because they can take advantage of you for being foreinger.

    Good luck to you and have a great time in my city!!! I hope you like it!!

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