
I am interested in working in the church and getting out of retail..

by  |  earlier

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I have been in retail for a very long time. I do pretty well in it but I am tired of this type of work and feel a longing to do something more meaningful. I am a member of the Episcopal Church and would love to work in some type of ministry. I don't wan't to become a priest, well not at the moment anyways, but I would like to do some type of work that is a service to others. I know that I need to take care of my responsibilities and therefore need an income, but I was wondering how do I combine work/income with working for the church? Any suggestions? Has anyone else been in this place before? I truly want to work within the church but simply don't know how to get started.




  1. I want you to reconsider your refusal to be a priest.  There is a severe shortage and you are needed.  You can have an effect on peoples' lives. Try it. /

  2. Check with your larger, local churches and see if they have any open, administrative positions. Then, submit a resume for consideration.

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