
I am iraqi student want to visit my country passing through Syria am I need visa?

by  |  earlier

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I am studying in Italy. I want go back to my country for 3 weeks and come back to italy, my journy start from Rome as flight to damscus and by car to Baghdad her is the Question

is it allowed to go out The airport to get a car to travel to baghdad and come Back with out needed visa?




  1. why wont u just call imaginations and ask them

  2. National IRAQ (IQ)              /Transit SYRIA (SY)

    Destination IRAQ (IQ)          


    SYRIA (SY)

    WARNING! "M" series passports are not accepted. "N" series passports will only be accepted up to/incl. December 31, 2007.


    Visa not required if:

    - continuing to a third country by same/first connecting

      aircraft within 24 hours; and

    - holding confirmed onward reservation and all documents

      required for next destination; and

    - not leaving transit area.

    However, if stay exceeds 24 hours, visa can be obtained on

    arrival if:

    - travelling as part of a government delegation; or

    - if transiting Syria to Iraq within one week; or

    - holding visa to a third country.

    See also For details, click here (item 7.d.).

    Transit refused if passport contains:

    - declaration that it is valid for Israel; and/or

    - visa for Israel (valid or expired); and/or

    - stamp indicating border crossing Israel-Jordan; and/or

    - evidence of entry at Sharm El Sheikh, Rafha, Gaza and Nablus.

    IRAQ (IQ)

    Passport required.

    Visa not required.

    Note: entry requirements are liable to change at short notice.

    Warning: Effective January 1, 2008 the  N  series Iraqi

    passports will be cancelled by the Iraqi Government and will

    therefore no longer be valid for travel regardless of the

    date of issue or the expiry date recorded in the documnet


  3. An interesting question for the nearest Syrian embassy. My understanding is that Iraqis do need visas to enter Syria, but I'd hardly qualify as an expert on Syrian immigration law.

  4. if you want to cross the Syrian borders from Iraq to Syria then you need visa. one month ago that wasn't necessary, but now you're gonna need visa.

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