
I am j/w in what part of your house do you home school

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in my house i have my own class room with a wight board lap top fax/copier/printer and all that stuff and sometimes i feel bad that i have all that stuff because my family is struggling with money right now but they insist on letting me have the newest school stuff and i know they are doing it because they love me but i cant seem to get it threw to them that i dont need it all although it makes it easier i cant help but feel selfish so i thought if you guys said where you home schooled and with what my parents wouldn't feel so obligated to give me stuff i dont really need




  1. I home school in my room, where everything is. The computer, the faxer/printer/copier/scanner, all of my supplies, and it's in the basement so it's nice and quiet. I love quiet areas, it helps me concentrate more.

  2. I share a 9 x 14 room with my twin sister. We're putting a screen up and I'm getting some new furniture -like a loft bed to save floor space, hallelujah- so I'll have an easier time studying. But, currently, I study in my room.

    I have about 3.5 feet between the edges of my bed and desk, which are parallel to each other. That's enough space for me to put my chair -with enough space to roll it back- and a laundry hamper right next to my bed.

    I work at my desk. On my desk, I have my PC, monitor, desk lamp, pencil cup, index cards, CD book, and the books that won't fit on my shelves. I have two shelves that my dad made, which are basically long boards with side pieces. That's screwed in to the wall. And I have my bass guitar hanging on the wall. I have a drawer for school supplies and I keep the rest of my worldly possessions -mostly Magic cards- in the rest of the shallow desk drawers. When I need to print things I stick them on the flash drive I got from Google a while ago -no idea why they sent it to me- to transfer to my mom's computer; the printer is in my parents' room/mom's office. At this point, most of my work is independent (math, science, Latin) or online (English, history) so I spend a lot of time at my desk.

    We live in NYC so even though we make more money, we also spend $2,000 a month on rent, and general living expenses are much, much higher. I included a link in my sources to something that lets you calculate relative costs of living in different American cities...I thought it was kind of cool. And, since we live in NYC, we don't have much in the way of space.

    My situation is pretty extreme, though. I do completely get what you mean about feeling selfish...I know my parents are doing this stuff for my room because I've been asking about it, but it's still going to be expensive and I can't help but feel I complained way too much. At some point there's only so much you can do...

    The next time your parents want to get you something new, say you're happy with what you already have. Other than that I think the best you can do is work hard and show how much you appreciate what they've done.

  3. We use every room in the house, although we do have great fondness for the living room sofa.

    Your parents do indeed love you, but I am wondering if they are worried whether they are doing an adequate job, and buying you material objects is a way of calming this fear.  You might want to gently reassure them that a good education does not depend on having lots of "stuff."

    All the best.

  4. Just about the only rooms we didn't use were the bathroom and the basement, but only because it was unfinished and cold down there.  We also did a lot of 'carschooling' because we were always on the go and there was never enough time at home to get everything done.  It's just as easy to get reading done in the car as it is on the couch, at the kitchen table, or in your room.  We didn't get a computer till I was about 12, and even then I never used it for school.  I wrote everything out by hand.  It wasn't until college that I started using computers or school.  

    It's great that your parents want you to have new things for school!  They simply care about you and your education.  If you are worried about it though, you could always remind them a good education does not come from things, it comes from the student, the teacher, and hard work.  Not new computers or fancy printers.

  5. i'm not home schooled but if i was i would probably prefer the brightest room in our house because i like light.

  6. We homeschool all over the house; my son has a laptop for his computer-based subjects (no internet, he's 10), bookshelf, shelves, cubbies, etc. in his room for all of his books and supplies, and I have a whiteboard downstairs for when we do language arts, spelling, etc.  Many of his resources are on CDRom or MP3 as well as book form.  He does have access to the internet on the family computer (where I can monitor his usage) and a color copier/printer.

    Honestly, we're struggling too, and we get what we can either at discount or for free.  He won his laptop through Scouts, and pretty much all of his software was on sale at Target or homeschooling conventions.  His whiteboard was on sale at WalMart, and most of his books and MP3s were either bought at a deep discount on VegSource or traded for.  I buy very little of his stuff at full price.

    Don't feel bad about what your folks give you...believe me, they don't want you to.  They want you to understand that you're more important than their conveniences, and to get everything you can out of what you're supplied with.  Use your resources to the best of your ability; that's the way to thank them for what they do :)

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