
I am jobless and a full-time student, am I considered as "useless"?

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The unemployed are often frowned upon due to their jobless status and the fact they are costing the country money. Considering I am a full-time student who is contributing via the educational system but with no job, would I be put in the same category as the unemployed?




  1. Absolutely NOT!!  I don't even subscribe to the idea that being unemployed makes an individual useless unless they are making no attempt to find employment and expect the taxpayers to support them.  There is a huge difference between temporary unemployment and making it a lifestyle!

  2. full time students aren't considered jobless since they aren't included in the unemployment reports.

  3. no you're not in the same category as unemployed.  You are investing in your future so you can contribute more in the future, after you get your job.  Because you're getting educated for a high quality job, you will contribute more to society, later on.  Plus side, you get a better job due to your hard work, down side, the wonderful higher tax bracket you'll enjoy to pay your dues to society.  Aren't taxes great? bring on the punishment for hard work.

  4. Of course not i admire tht u r a full time student u can not help being 2 busy the ppl who r frowned on r those who did not go 2 college or who dont even try u keep goin 2 college and make somethin of urself.

  5. Useless with potential .

  6. I guess you are useless..... Most people would love to be able to study all their lives and receive $$$ for it, paid by us taxpayers, who have to work.....

    Think about it......

  7. Join the club i guess!

  8. Definitely not, i am a full-time student and i take 4 AP classes 3 honors and want to go to West Point.  Sure at the moment i am not giving to society, but in two years when i am out of high school, i will be in the military and will be giving more for the country than many others.  And a lot of people tell me i should get a job, and then i look and realize their poor or lower middle class with a job which they are nervous to loose, and realize that they probably wish they could be back in school so they could get good grades and go to a good college and have a better life.  So at the moment you are just in a transitional phase and will be a productive member of society in a few years when your good and ready.

  9. Usefull. Also considering that education there is the capacity for it to supply means to make a personal currency at places of education and help others do so. A Student Currency perhaps. This could then work to exchange in the community.

    There would of course be a meeting to propose such plus further designsof currency If question not mockery. Plan alternate currency to back up Gov and fall back on in case of disaster.

  10. Honey I'm a full time student and last semester I also worked almost 40 hours a week. I don't view full time students as jobless because they're busy with something but don't expect me to let you cry on my shoulder either.

  11. Must be nice to have rich parents like Obama(just kidding) no its what you do with that time thats important and how you apply the knowledge gained.A part time job is how most students live while attending.

  12. No because you are using your time to educate yourself. By educating yourself, you are bettering America. Although it doesn't hurt to get a job.

  13. Absolutely not. I am a full-time student as well. I do have part-time jobs during the summer and winter, but whenever I fill out paper work (including those for the government) I list my occupation as "student". I would like to believe that people can differentiate between an unemployed person and a person pursuing an education.

    Another difference that I see between an unemployed person and a student is that an unemployed person was, presumably, at one time employed. Students generally have not been steadily employed or have not started a career (of course, this is not always true).

  14. Finish school, priority number 1, a job will come eventually and no your not useless.

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