
I am joining a highschool swim team. How do I get in shape for it and do I need a diet plan for it?

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Hello I am ending my junior year and am going to signup for the highschool swimteam next year. We have a pool in our backyard and I love to swim and I have always wanted to do it. For my question, I was wandering what I needed to do to get in shape for it and look like the other swimmers? So a fitness plan and a diet would be helpfull. I already am a pretty healthy eater and I do 40 pushups and 100 sit ups twice a day and I jog. Plus swim. I would like by the end of the summer to have nice looking abs, strong legs, and my arms to have and show muscle so I will look in shape and good for the team. So I was Just wandering if you guys could help me out and get ready for it so I can win some meets. Also should I shave my body for it or is that just professionals? Again thank-you




  1. I would definitely join a summer club team, and go everyday to practice. If you set you mind to it, you can do it! Have you ever been on a competitive team before? If you haven't you should know that swimming is something that you consistently have to do from when you were little in order to be any good. It's COMPETITIVE, it's not just floating around in the pool like everyone likes to do. Senior year is kind of late to join, so be aware if you don't know all of the four competitive strokes some, not all, coaches aren't going to be so thrilled to teach you. They, like any sport, want to get down to business and train their athletes. Don't get yourself into something that is going to be really intense and that your going to hate if you're not absolutely sure.

  2. Swim whenever you can. Don't just jog, instead try fartlek training, it's great for stamina and general fitness. As for a special diet:cut out any junk food you eat.

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