
I am just curious when I will see her move?

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I am 22 weeks pregnant, well I will be tomorrow(this is my first). I have been feeling flutters since 14 weeks and kicks and punches since 16 weeks, my question is I can feel her but when will I be able to see her move? When did this happen for you? thank in advance




  1. I can see my baby move... it's like a twitch. I am 23 weeks. Sometimes it's hard to see cause I have to lay down to see it and she kicks kind of low so with the belly in the way, it's hard to see low.

    I've been able to "see" the twitch for a couple weeks now.

  2. Sit down and relax for a bit and when you feel your baby move, pull up your shirt and watch. You should be able to see a little jump here and there. But, as the baby grows and your belly gets bigger you will be able to see feet, knees, and elbows roll across your belly. My son's butt was always up high and in the center and his feet would kick me in my left hip. When he would get the hiccups, my whole stomach would dance. And a couple of times when his elbow would stick out, I would gently push on it and he would rake it across my belly. My brother in law would freak out because he said it looked like he was an alien trying to escape from his pod ( a cute baby alien though, he said trying not to offend me). It will happen and it is the coolest thing ever! It's a very reassuring feeling to know that your baby is growing in your belly and you can see that he/she is okay. Congrats to you!!!

  3. Depends on your size and number of pregnancy's.  I was average before I got pregnant and this is my second baby.  my husband was able to feel her move at 17wks, and it was around there we could see her kicks.  I am now 27wks and my tummy is always on the go.  Wish it would slow down once in a while.  you have been able to feel your little one for a while now so I think it should be anytime now.  try eating a bigger meal and then lay down, see if that gets her going.

    Best Wishes.

  4. I can see my son move now (23 weeks) - I started seeing it at 21 weeks. At first his movements looked like a twitch - they still look like that just more dramatic. It's really funny. If you notice that you are feeling some harder kicks and punches look at your belly closely. You may be surprised!

  5. 24 weeks for me

  6. normally for first time mommies you wont actually "see" baby move until around 7 months or so she has to be big enough where she is taking up (almost) your entire uterus  

  7. I was around 23 or 24 weeks when I finally saw him move my belly.  

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