
I am just wondering i am in 7th grade and lots of my friends have armpit hair when should i get it?

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I am just wondering i am in 7th grade and lots of my friends have armpit hair when should i get it?




  1. consider yourself lucky

  2. Don't be worried. The normal is age 13, but plenty of people get it at 15.

    Sometimes, there are people who get arm pit hair at the age of 18.

    But if by next year, you still don't start growing a bit of it, try going to your doctor. It's possible you have hormonal imbalance. But don't worry. As I said, it differs.

    The best answer you can get is from your parents, when they had their arm pit hair. This is because some bodily developments during adolescence can actually be inherited. There are some families with all the females having menstruation at the age of eleven. Some families have all males growing mustaches at age thirteen. So it really depends. Ask your mom/dad when they had their first armpit hair. If they both had it later than the rest, then don't be worried. It's normal.

  3. you'll get it when you start puberty. i know 11 year olds with arm pit hair and i know 14 year olds with out armpit hair. it just has to do with whenever you start puberty.

  4. whenever your body is ready.

    you'll probably get it after you start getting pubic hair.

    that can be any age from 10 to 16.

    if you don't have any signs of puberty by the age of 16 you should go to the doctor.

    so you've still got a while [: dont worry!

    **good luck! =)

  5. Any day now...

  6. you'll get it when you start puberty.

  7. There is no fixed age or grade in which you would get it. But as soon as your puberty starts you would start getting all those changes like voice changing , erection , Hair in arm pit and around genitals etc.

  8. Whenever you hit puberty. Some people start as early as 10, some as late as 18. Middle School is the average time to start, but you might be a late bloomer. Dont worry! Your time is coming.

  9. you r reeeeeeally lucky girl, stop fretting.

    a little help here;...

  10. Soon enough. Don't fret :)

  11. Are you a guy or girl?  IF youre a guy, go with what the previous answers said.

    IF youre a girl....why are you worrying about arm hair?  forget the doc and hold out as long as possible!!!

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