
I am just wondering what do people in Europe think of America?

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i am just wondering like i have opions about some countrys i am wondering whats yout opion about america




  1. In general, many Europeans think America is a great country.

    But unfortunately, just as we have stereotypes about Europeans, they have the same about Americans.

    Many Europeans think America is a country of excesses. Too many overweight people, too many cars, and too much waste.

    Plus they can't understand why, if we are so intelligent, that we voted in Bush not once, but twice.

  2. I love the country, it's stunning, diverse & full of friendly people. It gets terrible press over here due to arrogant and greed fuelled foreign policies. Over here, Americans are stereotyped as grossly fat, ignorant about the rest of the world and incredibly self-rigteous. It's a country of extremes and we find it hard to understand how some people can live in extreme wealth and waste so much, while others cannot afford to feed their children or recieve necessary health care.

    And at the same time we're deeply fascinated...

  3. I have travelled a lot around the States and i love it.

    The only negative is the cost of health insurance, no public health service, but being a large country i don't know if it would work or not over there.

    The country is so diverse and it covers something for everyone, no matter what you enjoy and your lifestyle.

  4. Not to much

  5. Most people think people there are rich, famous, snotty, and only care about themselves. But the biggets thing people propably think is that most peoople in america are  over weight.

  6. I lived in Sweden for 5 years. The people I met love Americans generally speaking. The most negative thing that I heard was that as a whole the U.S. was socially irresponsible. Meaning we rarely do things for the greater good of our citizens if it includes higher taxes or if it affects business's optimum profitability. And for the most part everyone loathes President Bush and his policies.

  7. I havent met any american person in my life but I think is that they eat un healthy, aren't very smart and they want everything we europians have but bigger and better but the good thing is i think they have great humour, great music and handsome guys. I'd love to have an american boyfriend...

  8. Who cares what they think America is the best

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