
I am leader in 0-20month room, at a long day care centre, i'm running out of program ideas.suggestions welcome

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We appear to be repeating same experiences every few weeks - and would love some fresh new ideas - thanks :-)




  1. Duck Duck Goose.

    Cat and Mouse.

    Poison Ball.





    Freeze Frames.

    Musical Statues.

  2. Heuristic play and treasure baskets are the best things to provide for this age group, give them plenty of opportunities to explore with open ended materails and resources without interupting. Also if you are running out of ideas try some food play, spaghetti and jelly for instance. But remember variety is no replacement for sincere caring adults happy to repeat experiences for yound children to support their development.

  3. umm ...what about craft ?

    paint blowing -use straws to blow food colouring mixed with water on paper [non toxic so if kids swallow it wont hurt them]

    or activity wise guessing you have a tunnel [play one]...some hula hoops and a few balls ..make a kiddie course for them.

    always good to get out water and let them wash 'baby dolls' ...can teach them hygiene basics at same time

    for smaller ones its harder [as including babies is tough] could do music as they love it and have a day with instruments ....rattles for tiny ones tambourines , marraccas ,etc..for toddlers

    am kinda dry for ideas [as i think you already do the basics - playdough ,paint ,etc...] goodluck :)

  4. When i was little,i used to like these activities;

    Sidewalk chalk-

    Drawing with jumbo chalk on the sidewalk or concrete.

    Scavenger hunts-

    make a list of things that begin with a theme letter for example:B(Find things beginning with B

    making cookies together-

    Make the cookie mixture together and you can share the treat after!!

    Arts and craft-

    An awesome way to get the children to concentrate and making things for other people or themselves!!


    Handprints and footprints printed on paper from paint!All parents would want one to frame in their house!


    Play boardgames or make your own games from flashcards that will help children develop their knowledge.

    Sports activities-

    Organise fun party games and modified sport games.Party games eg. Run with the balloon between your legs,don't let the ball fall on the ground and many more!!!its an awesome way to get kids healthy and active at a young age.

  5. bubble machines and music...sidewalk chalk...WATER 15 month old LOVES to put little things in boxes and cups (her fave toy is her pacifier and a shoe box) learning hand motions to songs (itsy bitsy spider/head shoulders knees and toes/patty cake)

    kids love a routine...i wouldnt worry about changing it up too much...but a few new things every now and then are nice ;)

  6. Don't worry about constantly changing activities. Babies learn from repetition and find something new every time they do something familiar. They mostly learn from interacting with their environment so provide lots of chances to explore. Make sure there are a variety of colors, sounds and textures. When you put the yougest ones down for floor time vary the surface, from towels to soft blankets to a piece of artificial grass. Water play is really important. If you don't have a water table use a plastic dishpan. Put something under it to absorb the spills. Music can be a valuable part of every day. Make sure there are toys that make music that the children can use. Provide simple rythym instruments. Play music in the background, and not just kids' music. Vary it with everything from classical to jazz.Tape bubble wrap to the floor, bubble side up, and let them walk on it barefoot or bounce on it on their bottoms. Give them lots of safe sensory experiences. The old standby of cornstarch mixed with water in the waer table or a dishpan is really fun. Make sure they have acess to lots of books. You can look at a book with the youngest infant. Rotate some of the toys every month or so. A toy that has been in the closet for a month is brand new to a baby. And relax. The most important thing about Infant care is the interactions between the babies and the adults. Hold them, cuddle them and above all talk to them and they will be fine.

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