
I am left handed and i want to be right handed too!!! but...?

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i really want to posses this trait both right and left my dominant is left....Does anyone know any excercises my right can do to reach the skill of my dominant left? please help!!!!!




  1. Don't do that because it is possible but is not natural. I know only one man that made this change. He catch tennis elbow and this is the reason to do that. May be you have more strong reason to do that but ...

  2. Practise makes perfect. good luck.

    Get lessons.

  3. Trying to be like Nadal? Well you're gonna have to do what he did. Start tennis again as if you have never played it before. Play all he silly little training demos with your right hand because there is no way you can simply launch into the shots you were playing with your left hand. Then start being able to consistently hit with the right hand. DO NOT try and put power when starting. You will most likely flail the ball all over the place and things will go wrong. PLus, there is a chance of injury as it is not your natural hand. Then slowly build up from there.

    So, the main thing to do is forget everything about tennis. It doesn't matter how good you are. You have to take everything from the beginning.

    BTW, to everyone who reads this, yep, its true. Nadal is a natural right hander. His coach, uncle Tony made him play lefty, so that he would have a very powerful backhand. Watch which hand he signs his signatures with.

  4. Yeah. You definently need lessons for that. But won't you find it kind of strange because nobody and I mean nobody else does that! No offense. I have a friend that is trying to do that as well. Just get some lessons, I guess. =)

  5. You basically need to take all of the skills and training you have received to this point and start all over teaching yourself how to be right handed.

    The best bet would be to find a ball machine and just start taking reps each day. Be careful, because your non-dominant arm may be more prone to an injury as it is not use to the repetitive motion of swinging the racquet and hitting the ball. At some point you may want to ask yourself if working on your backhand is a better use of time rather than training a non-dominant arm to hit the ball effectively.

    I am right handed and can hit the ball pretty well left handed. I had tendinitis in college and was addicted to tennis. Right handed was too painful so I switched to left and developed my shot.

    One thing to keep in mind - if you run out there in a match and hit a few shots right handed your opponents may think you are mocking them and become angry. Believe me, it sounds crazy but they feel humilated when you pass them using a non-dominant arm.

  6. Completely shut off your dominant hand and do whatever it takes to strengthen that right arm

    good luck

  7. um... get out and play

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