
I am literaly about to go insane because of my 13?

by Guest63036  |  earlier

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My brother is always on my case about everything im always grounded because he wants to fight for example today he came and started talking to me in a tone that sounded like an argument so i told him not to talk to me and i got yelled at because i told him i dont want him talking to me.My two nieces live with me and there four and one and im so tired of having to be there mother at age 13! I hate my life i have NOO life i mean my brother gets to do everything go anywere and theres not much of an age difference so wtf is wrong with my life I am about to go freakin INSANE!! what should i do to calm myself and not go after my brother

and he irratates me even more when he does the following

*uses my body wash shampoo and conditioner!?! (hes a boy)

*he wears my ankel socks! (i have to buy new socks every week

because he streatchs them!




  1. lol, yeah that's life as a kid, not much you can really do other then talk to you parent or brother, at least your not being abused. Enjoy yourself while your young, you'll think it's hard now, just wait until you see the real world.

  2. Sounds like your brother has your parents wrapped around his finger.

    He's not worth getting grounded for so try to ignore him as much as possible. Mybe he wants your attention?

    You shouldn't have to mind the kids either but i don't know your families real position-maybe your parents are too busy and need your help?

    You will become best friends with your brother by the time you are both past teenage years and look back and laugh.

  3. well I have a younger brother and I have found that if you just ignore them and don't let them know that what they are doing is bothering you they will quickly lose interest and move onto someone else to torment. You could also try speaking to one of your parents (whoever you feel most connected to and most comfortable with) about whats going on and just express all your concerns to that parent and explain that you feel its taking away your teenage years and maybe they can start helping watching your nieces and talk to your brother about not being such a pain to you!! Good luck hun siblings can be such brats sometimes!

  4. Such as life're 13 and brothers were put on this earth to annoy you at this age but Hang On Honey Life gets way will be thrilled when you little nieces remember how they adored you when they grow up're their HERO so enjoy them...they are only small for a short time and when they are older and you want to spend time with them they will have their own busy life and you will be wishing for this bonding time for your brother....wait until he's asleep and paint his fingernails red and do his toes as a bonus....LOL and when he complains just tell him it goes with your socks :) HAVE FUN and ENJOY YOUR LIFE...Don't sweat the small stuff's just stuff and not all that important .....stuff can be replaced but if your family all died tomorrow you would be missing him wearing your chill out and enjoy the confrontations..they are the memories you will remember when you're older as good memories

  5. Hide your shampoo and conditioner, and your ankle socks. Then he can't use them. Explain to your mum that you want some time outside of the house?

  6. Hey - It's not good eh - can't you pick a quiet moment with your mum or dad, and be calm and tell them that you are feeling unhappy.!!!  Or if you think that this is not possible - write a letter and give it to one of them.

    You are 13 - you are way to young to be held responsible for your 2 nieces.

    Your brother is a pain in the butt - you should try to get your parents to have a word with him - his behavior is ridiculous.

    Try not to let him upset you - seeing you upset is clearly giving him a buzz - so if you try hard not to react - then he might get bored and lose interest in harassing you.

    Good Luck...

  7. (haha) if you want i'll trade lives with you. your life sounds rather easy. well, if you have your own room try getting locks to put on the door and just lock your stuff up. this saying helped me "In the blink of an eye an eternity has passed" which means one day you'll be 50 and thinking back wondering wear all the time went so life IS to short to worry about such trivial things. they may be worrying you know but trust me a lot of people have much harder lives. you should be grateful for the life you have and you'll miss these days later on in your life.

  8. just hold your head up .............. it'll get better....................i live with my three older brothers and a little sister who acts likes she's older than me.........    

  9. Start buying pink ankle socks, if he wears them ,tellhim he looks g*y.

    Tell your brother or sister(whoever the neices belong to) you want to be paid for watching them or find someone else to do it.

  10. talk to your parents about it

    try talking to the one you feel more comfortable talking to or the nicer one because if you camly explain they will try to help you or maybe think of a plan  

  11. Put your personal effects under lock and key in your room. When he starts in on you get up and close the door. Surely there is a rule that he can't just walk into your room. Do sit-ups or push-ups to relieve the tension.  It is sometimes the quest of brothers to drive their siblings crazy.

  12. I'm 28 and my family still drives me crazy... I always get dragged into each family member's problems.  I get scolded and yelled at even when I'm not doing anything bad.  The only advise I can give you is to try and stay out of their way... try not to engage with your brother when he irritates u, just ignore him.  Keep calm and try to be busy doing other hobbies/ interests that u have.  Try to assert yourself in a respectful way to your parents and show them that you're responsible and mature so they'll give u more freedom to go out and do things.  As for the socks, maybe u can put a lock in your drawers? lol  

  13. I would get one of your girl friends to humiliate him publicly. Girls are the best bullies. Really let him have it, just rip him apart in front of his friends and other girls.

    That will teach him to respect you.

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