
I am living in a Vicarage with my wife and 4month old boy. I've 3week to find us a home or we homeless.?

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I have been married sine June 07 and the only earner on low income with huge debts. We have no immediate family or friends near my job. Was lodging near work four years before married.We were blessed to free accomo even then we bearly afford nappies. would pay council housing if given one, so that we have a settled. Woud we get a council Home of our own.How can we get on the list?? Please help me please




  1. you will av a council office in your town or nearest go there and ex plane you should get something straight away because you have a child or go to frame work if you have one near you they help homeless people to and they will help you provide for your house or even go to citizens adviser and ask them what you should do and how and what you are entitled to all of these ideas are free so try them you should be ok if you go straight away and get your name down quick because it takes a week to find you a home and then you got to move and thing and looks like you haven't got time so get there as quick as pos

  2. Go to the C.A.B. they may help with advice about your huge debts, and give you advice on how to make payments easier.

    As for the house, again the CAB might help otherwise phone the council in your area and explain the situation to them.

    It is hard to get a council house these days though, but they may have a list of private landlords.

    Hope this helps

    Good luck ;-)

  3. If you have a young baby, you'll go to the top of the housing list; consult your local 'phone book for the relevent department of your local council. Even if they don't find you a house immediately, they'll at least get you a bedsit, or a B&B. They're legally obliged to do so.

    I'm not a great fan of people making lifestyle choices that involve living off the state - but if you work, and you've a kid to support, you're entitled. That's what the welfare system is for, so fill your boots.

    EDIT: re the debt - have you considered an IVA? They generally involve cutting a load of the debt off, if you can pay the remainder in three years or so...

  4. you need to apply for a council house via each borough. but can take ages before you get a house.  

  5. try local council, they cant throw anyone out on street with a 4 month baby

  6. One of you needs to get a job and maybe pay rent. Sounds like you had a cushy number - despite neither being "of the cloth". Your comment about giving a baby beer sounds like you are a bit of joker, but maybe you could do some work and then rent something. Forget council housing in the UK unless you are disabled etc, you like me, have to do your bit to pay extortionate rent!. Good luck all the same, it is hard but not fair, it is not the the 1970's anymore...........................

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