
I am lloking for a list of accommodations and modifications for an I.E.P.?

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i am doing an assignment for a special ed class and I am looking for some input in listing some accommodations and modifications for my 3 students. 2 are high exceptionalities and 1 low exceptionalitiy




  1. An IEP is a "person directed plan" geared to individual children based upon their unique needs.  

    So...I am wondering; do you not feel qualified to present the IEP'S for your students?  Asking for help is a "good thing;" I just think you need to seek assistance from the head of your department.  Some things take time, and "seasoned "teachers will probably be happy to assist you.

    Good Luck, and please remember "everyone really is different."

  2. I think it is impossible, and irresponsible, to try to list IEP accommodations without knowing the student that is to be accommodated.  IEP accommodations and modifications are meant to meet the INDIVIDUAL needs of that particular student.  It is impossible to know, based on the given information, the accommodations that the children need to meet the curriculum expectations.

  3. Straycat your wrong that's not what IEP stand for I have an IEP and it stands for "individual education plan" so yea i have an iep n they're stupid i have having one

  4. Leaving a link for you about accommodations. It lists each accommodation according to it's type (presentation, response, setting, timing & scheduling), once you get pass those pages they have accommodations listed according to the students characteristics, after that page you'll find the do's and don'ts of selecting accommodations , and a questionaire to see what accommodations may be useful.

  5. It's really hard to make accommodations and/ or modifications for a student if the person does not know them.  I would suggest doing some observations on the students and then consult books, other team members, etc.  to decide what will work best for them.  The accommodations must be individualized so there are not really cookie cutter lists just based upon disabilities.

  6. You may need to be more specific in explaining the type of exceptionally.  General accommodations can be numerous such as extended time to complete assignments so preferential seating.  Accommodations and modifications are based on a particular exceptionally so it is hard to make a suggestion.

  7. study  all  one by one then  you   no  how  to  treat  each   differ  case   you  have  to  study

  8. Go ask a special education teacher for a copy of a blank IEP.

    In the document you will find a list of accomodations and modifications for the classroom and testing situations.

    If you have a student with a low exceptionality then ask for a list alternative assessment modifications. Most states are trying to measure performance on all students in some manner and likely have a resource for a list of ideas.

  9. I hope this will help.

    1.change the students seat

    assignment class routine

    3.provide one on one tutoring

    4.use small group instruction

    5.establish time expectations for assignment  completion

    6.provide visual cues to indicate beginning and ending instructional time

    7.provide visual,tactile,or auditory prompts to indicate appropriate behavior

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