
I am look for a job and I am 15! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am look for a job and I am 15. I will be 16 in november and Hope

that I go to diving school because I am sick going on a bus everyday. Can you HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. babysitting for a neighbor. try local restaurants

    I had jobs at that age at supermarkets and bakeries and at dunkin donuts

  2. get a pimp

  3. I'm 16, and have had plenty of jobs.  I started working in my brother's baseball league's snackbar.  This spring I made $700 from working in the softball league snackbar, umpiring, and being a groundskeeper.  Also, babysitting can make big money for young teens.  Try posting an ad on craigslist.  If you like animals, you can walk dogs.  Tell your neighbors you're availiable to mow their lawn and take care of their garden and pets while they're on summer vacation.  I also work in a real estate office as a receptionist.  I don't need the money, but so many opportunities have been given to me by knownig people.  In a few years you'll be ready to work at the mall or a real job.  Good luck! And way to not be lazy!

  4. There might be a fast food place that will hire you.  Just get out there and ask.  My first job was at Krystal's.  I was 15 years old.  Try a movie theatre or babysitting.

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