
I am looking at buying my first house and I'm not should where i should start. Can anyone to help me out?

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I am looking at buying my first house and I'm not should where i should start. Can anyone to help me out?




  1. Here's how I do it.

    First, figure out about where you want to live.  I then go on websites like to see what the houses are running for.  

    At that point, you have an idea of where you want to look.  You might still have questions as to what you can afford and so on but at least you know pretty much where you would like to live.  Things will change but this gives you a starting point so you know what to say when you talk to a realtor.

    You then find a real estate agent.  The first agent I used, I found by going to an open house and I liked her even though I wasn't interest in the house.  I asked her if she would help me look.  She did a really good job.

    The second guy I used was a friend of my wife's.  He was ok but he was very aggressive and I had to reel him back in a couple of times.  

    Be sure to find an agent that is hungry for a sale but also fits your personality.  Don't be afraid to move on if they aren't working with you the way you like.  Never sign an agreement with them.  They will get thier commission if you are happy with them and they do their job.

    The real estate agent will probably get you in touch with a mortgage broker to get you pre-approved for a loan.  Again you want to call a few banks or brokers to make sure you are working with someone that has low fees and normal industry rates.  You do not have to go with the one they suggest.  

    Ask plenty of questions.  No question is stupid for a first time buyer.  Ask them what the different types of loans are and have them explain them until you understand them all.  Ask for their advice but remember, it's only advice.  Double check everything before you decide.  It's always nice to ask other home owners their advice also.

    Remember, all the people you are working with only get paid if you buy so don't let them push you into something that does not feel comfortable.  It's always scarry buying a house but look at your finances and make sure the payments are reasonable for your life style before going ahead with any buy.

    It's a very great learning experience to buy a house.  You are in a great place right now because the market is low and it's a good time to buy.  

    Good Luck and I hope you become a Home Owner soon!!

  2. Start by calling a real estate agent.  Good luck!

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