
I am looking for a certan punching target, can you help me?

by  |  earlier

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I saw an infomercial the other day for a punching target that mounts to the wall with a suction cup. It also came with a flat piece to mount it on. It was flat and black would rotate when you uppercut it or hook punch it. I think it was called easystrike or quickstrike or somthing ending in strike. Does any one know what im talking about?




  1. i think i do is it like an upper body of a man?

  2. whatever this strike gimick was feeding your emotions, will have limited affect on your overall improvement and will feed hugely on your wallet, as a former Chicago Golden Gloves champion, I will tell you this, gimmicks will come and go, but the best and all time greatest striking tool you can own has and will always be the heavy bag. you can never go wrong with a Heavy bag. it will help your overall improvement as a fighter better than any other single tool. Your Endurance, speed and power to name the key points,

    a good heavy bag is 75 Lbs. or 90 Lbs. hang it in the Garage. and go to work.

    hope this helps you.

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