
I am looking for a email pen friend from India...any offers???

by  |  earlier

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I am anglo Indian,and would like to keep in touch with the "old country"this way.I live in Bournemouth, England.So if anyone out there is willing to communicate with me,male or female,please let me know.Thanks.Rob




  1. i think the time has changed and pen pal is outdated as the best pal to get any sort of information is net itself,  it is also good for knowledge addition and a good time pass otherwise u can write to me if u still want i shall try to reply you.

  2. Thankyou for your offer  i am ready. contact me on my e_mail address

  3. I am a man of  71, widower, had worked as Employment Officer, now practicing as a lawyer in district courts, write small articles for news papers, on and on some other sites and also interested writing questions and answers on  If you are interested to become my pen friend, i shall be happy and we shall be discussing on different topics concerning society.

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