
I am looking for a good camera. Any suggestions between Cannon Powershot G9 and Cannon Powershot SD 890IS?

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I want something that fairly small, takes excellent pics, and has a good zoom. Any feedback?? I heard Cannons were the best?




  1. Those are two completely different cameras.  The G9 is intended to be compact camera for a serious photographer who wants a lot of flexibility and options when taking photographs.  It's as advanced as you can get before getting to an SLR-type camera.  The SD890 is more for a casual photographer - someone who takes snapshots.  The SD890's goal is to be a small camera that fits in a pocket or person and lets the user take a photograph quickly and easily.  If you just want to take pictures and don't plan on getting artsy or doing a lot of post-processing, the SD890 would be the way to go for you.  The G9 is a better camera, but it might be overkill for you.

    You mentioned zoom.  The 5X zoom lens of the SD890 is impressive for the camera's size.  Camera body size and zooming are a compromise.  You would have a 10X zoom lens in the Canon PowerShot SX100, but that camera is more toward the larger end of the scale.  It might not be much larger than the G9 though.

  2. They both take excellent pics. The G9 is bigger, heavier, has more settings and stuff to play with, and is more expensive but other than that there really is not that all that much difference. But keeping it simple, the 890 is a very good cam, and it goes for a reasonable price too. The G9 is not a 'pocket' cam, unless you have pretty large pockets, lol! Also, consider the SD790IS as well. It's a great cam with rave reviews. And it sells for less than either of the other two. Or there is the SD950. That is also good. Hey, you really cannot go wrong with Canon - no matter which one you buy.

  3. Canon and Sony do really well at making point and shoot cameras; the G9 being one of them. However, the G9 and the 890 IS are in two different classes. For the most part, the G9 is the most advanced point and shoot camera, until you move up to a DSLR. In that case, the G9 cannot compare to those types of cameras.

    Anyways, I would reccomend the G9 if photography is a hobby of yours, and you do not care too much about shutter lag, fps, or image quality. Don't get me wrong, the G9 is an excellent camera. But like I said, it cannot compare to even the cheapest DSLR.

    The choice is up to you. My vote goes for the G9.

  4. i have the canon powershot sd750 and its great! the pictures come out very clear

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