
I am looking for a good restaurant in Edinburgh for about £30 a head. Does anyone have any recommendations?

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I am looking for a good restaurant in Edinburgh for about £30 a head. Does anyone have any recommendations?




  1. The outsider on George V1 bridge it good. It's very popular so you would have to book a table well in advance. They also have a sister restaurant in Edinburgh called the Apartment that's not as busy as the outsider.

  2. there are a few.

    Indian: Kalpna restaurant. excellent food - totally imaginative, seasonal menu: don't let the fact that it is veggie put you off - head and shoulders above all the other Indian restaurants in edinburgh (my favourite btw)

    Chinese: the only one I am happy with is in penicuik called the food lodge. the rest love their msg and are pretty much the same. If I had to choose then edinburgh rendevouz buffet is the best bet

    Thai: Time for thai is excellent. nice decor and brilliant food.

    Scottish: Martin Wishart and the Kitchen are michelin star rated restaurants. wonderful seasonal food - might be a bit pricey though (£40.00/head)

    Italian: you really are struggling if you want something that isn't generic. you might be better to stick with the big names like pizza express and zizzi. the food won't be excellent (like the other places I mentioned) but it won't be bad either.

  3. La Partenope, Dalry Road, Edinburgh

    Very good neapolitan food...   89%

    Based on Dalry Road in Edinburgh, this Neapolitan restaurant is certainly a big departure from your normal predictable Italian cuisine. Although a little expensive the food is excellent. Great service too.

    Good Points

        * Excellent Food

        * The best of Italian

    Bad Points

        * Slightly Expensive

  4. I would definitely go to Leith- we have Edinburgh's only two Michelin starred restaurants, the previously mentioned Martin Wishart ( ) and the Kitchin

    ( ) - the Kithin is the better of the two by far, if you ask me, although they're both a little more than your budget will allow.  Luckily, we also have some other great restaurants down here which fall easily into your price range:

    The King's Wark on the Shore has great seafood and pub food, as does The Waterline, and there are great seafood places on the Shore, including The Ship on the Shore and Fisher's.  

    Alternatively, you could try A Room in the Town (on Howe Street) or A Room in the West End (26 William Street).  The same people own a new place in Leith, but I don't think it's up to the standards of the others.  

    Have a great meal!

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