
I am looking for a new home. What do you think of this kitchen? The Realtor called it delightful. ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I call it a migraine!

    I used to be a clown and I wouldnt even go THAT far !

  2. I agree with Mera. The stools don't fit. Otherwise, absolutely... delightful works, in a real sort of Clockwork Orangey way! Makes me want to tape my eyelids and listen to Ludwig!

  3. Your realtor is trying to sell it. Delightful doesnt come to mind. If its your style great but the colors just scream

  4. Personally, I'd get a new Realtor and keep looking!  Good luck!

  5. Nothing like a ceramic dog on the kitchen counter.  Hope that is included.  Bright bold and spiffy I say.  Love honey

  6. OMG who threw up in that thing?!?!?!?!

  7. tacky comes to mind...

    can you imagine going into that kitchen after a heavy night

    of drinking your hangover would make your head explode

    time to change realators they can be so pushy this takes the cake


  8. looks like a technicolor  nightmare , does that fit your personality  

  9. I like it a lot. But it does look old.  

  10. Kind of retro I think, but that's a good thing. You might want to change the tile on the floor if you acquire it, but the 50s look is great.

  11. I like the design and layout, but only a blind person could appreciate the color scheme

  12. Simple answer.  Your realtor is smoking pot.  

  13. Looks like colors inspired from the old TV series named: "Romper Room", a show for little kids.

  14. All you have to ask yourself is, "Do I want to look at this everytime I come into the kitchen to eat food?"  Maybe this is what I need to do to lose weight!! LOL!!

  15. *screams* it looks liek the circus!!! ♥  

  16. OMG - somebody thinks you fell off the last turnip truck -

    LMAO - that is awful looking - holy cow - that realtor is really really desperate................



  17. it is delightful and colorful as well.

    very nice

  18. It looks really good if you like different colors in one room.

  19. Only one word comes to mind. GARISH.

  20.'s really...ah...colorful.

  21. I love the bold colors...what matters is if you like it and you can always change the color :)

  22. "Snow White on Crack" comes to mind but the bar stools don't fit in. It does have a whimsical feel - maybe that's what the realtor was chaneling... 50's or early 60's Retro Whimsey maybe.....

  23. Someone with a great sense of humour did this kitchen..I love it..

  24. is the rest of the house like that?

    that kitchen screams ahhhhh

    it might murder you in your sleep! RUN!!

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