
I am looking for a picture of a blister beelte bug found in alfala hay in the kansa area?

by  |  earlier

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these bugs are found in alfalfa hay and the hay can not be fed to horses, they can cause death, am looking for information on them and a possible picture.




  1. Try this, from the Kansas State Department of Agriculture:





  3. If you type into the "search" (web search) box above the words "blister beetle photo" you will immediately get 4 pictures and an additional 87000 links. Most of the questions asked here can be answered by just knowing how much power you have to SEARCH at your finger tips. Most of the answers given are all paraphrased or direct quotes from doing just that. Yahoo search is one of the best at on line information. Google is one of the best at on line information, and there are a lot of others equally as great. Choose a great "search engine" and then use it, to save time, but also to really give yourself the power, the ability, to have the whole of the world wide web at your command. When you choose 3 or 4 (even 5) words to describe what you want, given the search site you are on, you are putting that expensive device on your desk to work and you are in charge. By altering those words in order, in choice, in detail, you are ordering your computer to a task. "blister beetle photo"  "alfalfa blister beetle information" even "blister beetle population map". Super-size your resources for no extra money. I chose Yahoo as my homepage on my preferences. I get good research results.


  5. There are several different types of blister beetles.  This first site has some good pictures of different types.  The second site has better information on the blister beetle.  It has some drawings of the beetles that may be better than pictures for telling which blister you have found.  Good Luck.

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