
I am looking for a portable device that goes online and can download videos and movies from software like Divx

by Guest67164  |  earlier

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I am looking for one as a present for myself but i cannot find one that i like the look of. I have looked at the Sony Mylo but it did not have good reviews and i dont think it can download from software like divx, can someone please help me by telling me a good one please.




  1. if you have an apple computer imovie is the best solution you know the computer with the apple on it

  2. There is the Cowon Q5, but that maybe a little large. It is a 5in touch screen device, with wifi, gps, and is running windows c.e. based os. It has a large list of audio and video codec, divx being one of them. It has one of the best sound qualities for a device in its class. It comes in 40gb, 60gb, and 80gb models. Only other downside would be the price which starts around $430. Also it does not have a keyboard like the Mylo.

    There is also the Nokia N800 internet tablet, which has dual sdhc card slots, and with the right software can run divx files. It has wifi, and nice web browser. It also has no keyboard and can be had for around $240. Then there is the N810. It is newer than the N800(but both can run the latest Nokia internet tablet OS). It has a keyboard, but one microsd card slot instead of the two sd cards slots of the N800. Sound quality is solid but could be a little better.

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